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I am so sorry, I forgot who tagged me on these.

I am so sorry, I forgot who tagged me on these

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1) Vanilla Syrup (Don't question it)

2) Purple and/or grey (grey is actually almost more loved than purple. Almost)

3) Don't have one

4) Ooooooooo this is a hard one...

Either Three Days Grace, Panic! At The Disco, or Set It Off

5)Nope, not at the moment

6) English and Science, although my Science grade is absolutely horrid

7) Used to do competitive swimming, but I quit. Now I ride a bike noncompetitively

8)Coca cola or sweet tea

9)No judging -3- I just turned 14

10) Markiplier, CrankGamePlays (Ethan), or MatPat

11) NONE, THEY'RE ALL AMAZING (*cough* Karma and Nagisa *cough*)

12) everyone I tag will be at the bottom of the page

12) everyone I tag will be at the bottom of the page

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1) Cause I was tagged

2) Uh... Vertically challenged... is that positive? Wait, it's not one word? Well fine then, We'll just say determined, cause why not

3) Dear Past Me,
Don't try to hard to fit in. Your never really accepted by anyone, so don't really bother trying. Stay yourself, and love being yourself, because everyone else is taken.
     Love, Your Future Self

4) Dear Future Me,
If Blu makes you mad, don't be afraid to speak up for yourself and state your opinion. We both know you'll still be the timid person you were in the past and that you won't reserve your own opinions and thoughts, so be yourself, alright?
     Love, Your Past Self




My box of colored pencils? I dunno

6) "Beauty is worthless when you can be smart instead... or, y'know, in my case, ignored, but same difference"

7) Snakes

8) Nothing. Except my extensive closet of grey clothes that I own, just because I love the color grey.

9) Nothing. Everyone says my hair, but I don't think so. Maybe my personality? I really don't know.

10) Grey, my black/dark grey sweater, sweatpants, grey

11) I dunno... being invisible. My ability to be completely forgotten by even the most closest of friends.

12) my kits, drawing, coloring, and my friends remembering I'm alive

13) nothing

14) wow, okay, first off, this started as a sort of love yourself thing and i turned it into a burn yourself tag thing, second, tags at bottom of page

1) Yourself is a person2) Yourself has brown hair and rainbow eyes3) Yourself can play every instrument known to mankind and has one 1st place in every event ever4) Yourself owns 1000000000 pets5) Yourself isn't actually a real person

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1) Yourself is a person
2) Yourself has brown hair and rainbow eyes
3) Yourself can play every instrument known to mankind and has one 1st place in every event ever
4) Yourself owns 1000000000 pets
5) Yourself isn't actually a real person

Haha, see what i did there ^^^

I tag...

Everyone who read the word tag 🙂

Your welcome


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