Chapters 1-2.

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"Elena come on you'll be late for school.", someone screamed from down stairs.
"Coming", I yelled. I walked over to my dresser and and picked out my clothes. I looked into the mirror and smiled at my reflection with my long brown hair and blue eyes. I got dressed and went downstairs. "Morning mom."
"Morning Elena do you need a ride to school?", asked mom.
"No mom I told you last night Cal is going to pick me up.", I said.
"You and Cal are such a cute couple", she sighs looking at the pictures of me and Cal from prom. I still remember when I first met Cal in first grade he was so cute with his black hair and the same rare blue eyes as mine and we never separated since. Even when both our moms came to pick us up from school we clutched each other hands and didn't let go until Cal's mom agreed to come to our house and we had been best friends ever since. Until last year when he asked me out and I said yes. The sound of a horn honking bringing​ me back to the present. I looked out the window and saw Cal's truck in the driveway. "Bye mom.", I said and walked outside. Cal grinned at me from the drivers seat and opened the passenger side door for me.
"Hey beautiful.", said Cal.
"Hi Cal.", I replied. He leans forward and kisses me. "Happy Birthday." He smiles and kisses me again this time trailing kisses down my neck.
"Happy Birthday", he said. One of the few things we have in common is our birthdays. He kisses me again. Then turns around to back down the driveway.
Chapter 2
We arrive at school with time to spare. We go inside and get stopped by Claire. Claire is the one who always gets what she wants and she wants Cal.
"Hi Cal", Claire said in her obnoxious voice.
"Claire", Cal said annoyed. He crossed his arms and glared at her.  "What do you want."
"You know what I want Cal.", she said.  "I want you."
I roll my eyes and lead Cal away from Claire. "Ugh I hate her.", I say.
"Me too. ", he said. "I'll see you at lunch." He leans in and kisses me before he goes to his locker.
"Yeah, see you.", I say.

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