Chapter 9.

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Elena's POV

After Damon and his father left I got up and went to the closet and all the dresses in the closet matched my wings and me and Damon's eye color. I picked a flowy blue dress that was the color of Damon's eyes then I went downstairs to breakfast. I walk into the dining room and see Damon in black pants and a blue shirt that matched his eyes. He looks up and our eyes meet, our wings flutter and I walk over to the table and sit down across from him and then we ate our breakfast. After breakfast we went to his garden where it was completely different from my fathers. It had a water fountain and flowers everywhere and only one tree a willow tree with a bench under the tree. I turn around to face Damon and I wrap my arms around his neck and reach up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. "It's beautiful", I say as we sit down on the bench.

"Glad you like it", he says.

"Damon?", I ask.

"Yes, Princess", he replies.

"Do you really want to get married?", I ask.

"In time, when you are ready.", he replies.

"What if I am ready now.", I say.

"Then I would say...", he says leaning down on one knee and pulls a ring box out of his coat pocket and opens it, "will you marry me?"

"Yes!", I scream. He put the ring on my finger and we kiss for a very long time. We pull away and I look at my beautiful ring it was a light blue ring with pink and silver diamonds on it. It was so much prettier than Cal's ring.

Damon's POV

She said Yes! I am so happy.

Cal's POV

(The morning after Elena was taken.)

I was walking through the gardens like I usually do every morning. When I saw a body lying on the ground I ran over to the body to see it was Brandon, Ethan's twin brother and one of Elena's guards. Wait...where is Elena? I looked around the garden and saw the ring I gave her on the ground by the waterfall. I ran back inside and bumped into Ethan. "Ethan I have something to tell you", I say.

"What is it Cal?", he asks scowling at me. He always scowls at me from yesterday's activities.

"I was walking through the gardens and I saw a body lying on the ground.", I begin. He takes off running towards the garden. I run ahead of him before he can walk in to the garden. He stops and I continue talking to him, " The thing is that the body I found is Brandon's body by the looks of him he has been dead for a day or two. Also, I think Elena has been kidnapped." We get to the garden and Ethan runs to the body and drops down onto his knees and is cradling his brothers body to his chest.

"Brandon.", he says with tears in his eyes. "NO!", he screams.

Elena's father walked into the garden observing the scene and when he doesn't see Elena he asks, "Where is Elena?"

" I don't know", I say. "She would probably still be here if you hadn't made me be with Caroline." I turn and walk into my room looking at a picture of Elena on my phone. She looked so pretty that day when we were walking and the sun shined right on her face and I told her to stay in that pose and I took a picture of her that was the day I asked her out. Then the phone flashes red and goes black. Stupid phone!

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