26. Conflict

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Side Note: hi yeah sorry bout the slow update it's gonna be like this for a while now I'm afraid anyway back to the story

(Yuri's POV) (An hour earlier)

"Yuri, good job today. Take tomorrow easy. We'll do two hours rather than eight. Sound good? You look exhausted, go home. Do you want me to take you back?"

"No thanks," I muttered. "I need a walk."

Yakov smirked. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow."

I waited for him to turn around the corner, then headed down towards the river, and stopped to peer over. Lilia's house wasn't that far. I knew how to get there. But, for whatever reason, I found myself hesitating as to whether I should go home, or if I should walk down the street in front of me to see [F/N].

For whatever reason, my feet decided to go for the latter decision, and I walked quickly to the hotel.

What if she wasn't even in? She might be really busy? This happens all the time - why do I always chicken out of going to see her? What's the worst that could happen? Oh yeah, you pretend not to be interested in her to the point where it gets too awkward or she gets pissed off.

The curtains into her room were shut. I couldn't make out if the lights were on.

Why were my cheeks so red?

When was the last time we talked? A few days ago? Those stupid interviews. To be honest I didn't mind the whole marriage thing. No, I didn't mind it, not one bit...

"Hey, kid!"

I turned.

"Well, would you look at that! It's Yuri Plisetsky!"

I blinked. What were they doing here?

"So, you and that slut were close the other day. I don't understand that, though. A fine, sexy specimen like her going out with you; angry little asshole."

"Shut up Alec," I muttered.

He smirked, and his group of friends all clicked their knuckles.

"Don't push your luck Yuri," he muttered.

"What do you want?"

"You and [F/N]. You're both lying about being a couple. It's just like last time. And I don't need to remind you of that, do I? I know exactly how the whole "hypnotising the public" thing works."

I shuddered at the bad, forgotten, memory.

"Leave me alone," I muttered.

"We're not finished here. Besides, you haven't answered me. You two aren't really a couple, are you? Just attention- seeking nobodies. Well, you are, anyway. She deserves so much better than you," he spat.

My nostrils flared. "We are a couple. Leave us alone," I cringed at my words. They don't know me as a pathetic loved-up kid, they know me as The Russian Punk; angry and aggressive. 

I closed my eyes, and prayed that I wouldn't get punched.

Instead, I heard laughter.

"Don't take me for a fool, Yuri. Remember last time? Surely I dont need to spell it out for you. I was there through all of it. Its because of me that you got out of it. So stop. Stop pretending. Besides, I want her. I can provide so much more than you can."

I gritted my teeth, and turned around to leave.

I ignored them as much as I could, and walked quickly.

"Aww Yuri. Always running away. Just like when you ran away from your mother."

I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned to stare straight at him.

"Oh look, the Russian Punk. Scary. You frightened a butterfly."

I stared angrily at them. "That's not what happened. You know that damn well."

"I can make them, her, believe anything. I will Yuri."

I tried not to. I didn't want to. But his snarl, his mocking eyes, they encouraged it.

I hurled myself towards them, and punched Alec straight in the cheek, only to recieve a painful blow on the leg from his friend.

I fell to the floor, then felt several kicks to my body.

"That's where you belong. On the ground. At the bottom. Below everybody, including her."

I stared long and hard at the floor, then stood up, and kicked the closest person, sending them falling to the ground. Alec snarled, then tried punching me. I dodged him, then punched him again, forcing him to stagger backwards.

"Don't you dare say any of that about my mother," I said to him. Then, somebody hit me from behind, and my head fell straight onto the floor until all I could see was darkness.

* * *

"Yuri? Yuri! Oh my god, Yuri, please answer me!"

Her soft voice was frightened and worried. I felt her hands on my face, as I tried opening my eyes.

"Yuri?" She whispered. "You're alive. Thank god."

"Let's phone for an ambulance," somebody said. I couldn't see him, but I guessed from the deep, masculine voice that it was Will.

"Yeah. Yuri, it's gonna be okay. I'm here, don't worry."

My head was throbbing. I closed my eyes, and passed out again.

* * *

Somebody was holding my hand. I woke up in a soft, warm bed, and looked down to see [Y/N] sleeping on me.

Had she been there the whole time?

"Yuri," somebody muttered.

I turned my head slowly, and saw Yakov sitting on a chair in the corner.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "What happened Yuri?"


He sighed, and shook his head.

"He aggrevated me. He started it."

"I don't wanna hear it Yuri." He couldn't look at me. I looked down at [Y/N].

"He said things about my mother."

He was quiet. Yakov knew exactly how much that meant to me.

He changed the subject when I pushed [Y/N]'s hair behind her ear.

"She's been here with you the whole time."

I smiled at her. She looked so nice sleeping, so calm and at ease.

"Yakov, I'm sorry. I'm fine, honest-."

"Yuri, we've arrested Alec."


"This isn't the first time he's tried to do this to you."

I sighed. "Okay."

"He's the main male roll in the movie. You can't tell her it was him. She'll be so upset."

"I don't want to lie to her."

"You lie to her all the time."

I cringed. "No, I'm careful with how much I tell her."

"Whatever Yuri. Just be careful with this one. I know how you feel about her. Don't let your past ruin your future."

I let that sink in, and held her hand tighter in mine.

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