Special Chapter

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A/N: Surprise! I just got back after so many years and I saw that people still read my works. I really appreciate that! Thank you so so so much, guys!

This is the last chapter of this story, a closure of some sort. I want you all to have a glimpse of what Jack truly feels about everything.

Without further ado, the final and special chapter of Thawed. Enjoy! 💖

P.S. It's been a while since I've written anything, so please forgive me if you feel that this chapter is not great. 😢


"Ever knew what love feels like, Jack?" Cruxio, my fellow servant in the House of Corona once asked me. It was late at night and we were hanging out in the balcony - enjoying out free time.

The question made me laugh, "Why the sudden question, Cruxio?"

He shrugged and looked up at the star-riddled sky. You can easily see the slightly shifting colors of the Aurora above us. Rapunzel will love this. But alas, princesses aren't allowed to stay up this late. "It's just... whenever I see her it's like I'm being suffocated. I can't think straight and my knees wobble." Cruxio sighed. "I've already talked to the physician about this and she just laughed at me. Laughed! Like what I'm feeling is absurd."

I chuckled. "It is."

He spared a glare my way. "I'm serious! Anyway after that she told me that I'm just harboring feelings towards her. That's what is absurd. How can love make me feel this way? Like I'm going to get sick, be happy, and feel anxious all at the same time?" Cruxio ran both hands through his red hair, obviously frustrated. "This doesn't make any sense!"

My friend's frustration amused me. I leaned at the railings and tapped him at the shoulder. "Love doesn't really have to make sense, Cruxio."

"How would you know?"

"Trust me. I know a lot about the darned thing." I chuckled to myself and looked up at the night sky. Memories suddenly flooded though my head.


I remember when I was just seven, my little sister of five used to ask me in her too innocent, too curious voice, "Jacky, why do we love?" Of course, being the little kid that I am only replied, "Because it's fun. We get to always hang out with Mum, yeah?"

The love that I knew back then was a simple one. It was a happy one; filled with laughter, games, cuddles and food. And of course a little mischief every now and then -- Mum would forgive us in a heartbeat. Come to think of it, the love that we know as little kids are quite naïve and shallow. It's quite unfortunate that I have to grow up real quick to know that love hurts. It really, really hurts.

Ever since they died, I kept on blaming myself. If I had gone out with them thay day, if I didn't have the flu back then, then I will be able to save them. Or I'm already with them in the Heavens. I think of them everyday and it hurts more each time.

When Claus found me, I was really thankful. I was given a chance to forget how much it hurts. I learned how to forgive myself. I learned how to be stoic. Unfeeling. I have to. So that I don't have to experience feeling that much hurt again.

My resolve is strong, until a little girl with blonde hair and too-big grass green eyes started to chip it away.

She was not like my sister who's innocent and quiet -- oh no. She's very far from that. She's bold, cunning, mischievous, artistic, hyper, messy and loud. Come to think of it, she's very un-princess like.

That's what made me cherish her more than anything.


"Love makes you feel happy, that's true. But it also makes you feel something more. So much more."

"Even the wobbling knees and suffocation?" I nodded and glanced at my friend before looking back up at the sky - the Aurora is now fading away. "Wow. Loving someone is scary."

I chcukled, "Yeah. It's scary. It'll change you... for the better."

"Like this?" I straightened my back and smiled.

"No, no, no!" She waved her hand that's holding her brush. "Bigger! I want you to smile bigger. Think of something that makes you happy."

"Something... that makes me happy..." Her chubby little face smeared with dirt immediately popped into my mind. That's the first time she called me Jack.

"Great! Now hold that smile okay?" She immediately went back to her canvas and started painting.

"It'll make you mad too,"

I saw her twirl in front of me, her pale pink dress spreading out as she does so. "Pretty, right Jack?"

I didn't miss the fact that the dress has a very low-cut neckline and it's backless. "It suits you well, Punz. But I don't think that His Majesty will approve."

She gave me a confused frown, "But why? This is the trend these days. I'm sure he will approve."

"Your back is bare and it'll just take a jump before you pop out of that dress." It's still beautiful, though. You're beautiful.


The next day, she still wore that dress, saying that His Majesty approved. It didn't sit well with me that she's baring her skin at a Royal Ball. Full of males. Teenage males. After saying sorry and giving me her puppy-dog eyes, I gave up and draped my coat over her shoulder. Better safe than sorry.

"...but you'll forgive her anyway. You'll have to accept all her little quirks and flaws and love her for all that she is. You'll learn to love yourself too."

Cruxio let out a low whistle, "That's deep." He gave me a small punch on the shoulder, "and I thought I was being sappy. Who's the girl?"

A pained chuckle escaped my lips. "Rapunzel."

"The Princess?! Jack, it's forbidden to-- is that why you're...?"

I hung my head low and nodded, "Yeah. That's why I'm leaving in a few hours."

I can almost feel the pitied look he's giving me. Almost. "Did anything else happen?"

"We kissed." I'm going to cherish that memory for the rest of my life. I'll always remember how soft her lips felt. How unsure she was as I was her first kiss. It made me realize how deep my feelings are for her. I'll never forget that. "Look, don't tell anyone about this okay? I don't want her to suffer the consequences."

Cruxio nodded, unbelieving, "Sure. Man, the Princess. Why didn't I notice it before?"

I laughed at that, "That makes two of us."

At the break of dawn, I left the castle. I left my home and my heart. It broke me to leave her like this, but I know that this is for the best. She has Eugene by her side. I'm sure he'll take care of my Punz, more than I was able to. And it seems like I'm not wrong, seeing her so happy in her wedding dress. I will never regret the decisions I've made. The only thing that I will regret is not telling her my true feelings.

So before I disappeared, I gave her a kiss at the side of her lips and whispered, "I love you, Rapunzel. I always will."

Then, oblivion.

Thawed (Jackunzel) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now