Chapter II

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A/N: I can't help it! I can't stop myself for writing and posting another update. The power of Jackunzel is too strong to resist! (>u<)



He gave me a little bow which made me chuckle. "Has it been 6 years already?" I asked, holding my chin. It was a habit of mine. I saw him nod. "Gosh Jack, you really are such an unmindful butler!"

"Unmindful?" he put his hand near his heart in feign hurt, "I did my best to rush over here, is that unmindful? You know it's..."

"Yeah, I know." I said, cutting him off. "Anyway, do you have anything to say?" I gave another little twirl. He carefully inspected me and my dress. Half of me expected some annoying remark, and the other half, a compliment.

"Yes, I'm moved by the sight..." I sighed in relief. Wait, why am I relieved? "The saying 'fine feathers make fine birds' is correct!" he added, then laughed so hard. It took me a couple of minutes to understand what he said, but when I did, I felt an angry vein pop and I hit him in the head. He yelped in pain. Serves him right. "Glad to see that you're still the same, Jack." I said.

"I was kidding! Geez, you're still the same yourself, princess. You're very..." he flashed me his oh-so-famous smirk. You know, the one that made all girls fall to their knees and worship him. But it won't work on me. "...beautiful." Alright, maybe it worked on me a tiny bit.

I am sure that there's an unhealthy amount of blush in my face right now. So to hide my embarassment, I turned around and proudly said, "Th-that's right!" I heard him chuckle. "Accompany me on a walk, Jack?"

"If you wish..."

"And.." I added, looking back at him, "talk about the past?"

He smiled at that. "Well then," he offered his hand to me, "will you take my hand, princess?"

I accepted and held his hand while we roamed the enormous garden. I remembered we used to do this back when we were kids. That time, I thought we would be like this forever; holding hands like this.


I met Jack when I was six, he was eight then. He was introduced to me by the castle's head butler, Claus. My first impression of him was the worst, but that changed when I heard his family background.

He and his family were living on the middle of Mount Eyezenberg, the most chilliest place in the kingdom of Corona. He only had a mother and a sister who is younger than him. I found out that on the day Claus brought Jack to the castle, an accident happened. A terrible, terrible accident. An avalanche occured and destroyed his home and killed his only family. Only Jack survived.

Fourteen years ago...

I was running around in the palace courtyard when I saw Jack throwing some stones on the small pond. "Jack!" I called out, waving to him, "Hey, Jack! Can you to take me to the field past the rock wall nearby?"

I saw him wrinkle his forehead. He's clearly annoyed. "Why me?" he said icily.

I didn't let the chill overwhelm me. "There are pretty flowers there! I want to give it to my Mom. She's been in bed for a while now."

He returned his gaze to the pond, "That has nothing to do with me."

I pouted and was about to storm off when I thought of a great idea. "Jaaaack," I said in a singsongy voice, "If you don't do as I say, I'll tell Claus that you've been bullying me..." I then gave him my most innocent smile. Of course, my innocent act worked.

Again, with Jack's help, I climbed the tree near my mother's bedroom window and entered there. "Mother! How are you today?"

"P-Punzie! What are you doing?! How did you even get there?!"

I landed with a dull thud and walked toward my mother. "Jack helped me! Claus would be annoying if I entered mother's room. Here!" I handed her the flower I was holding. "I brought you flowers! Please get well soon!"

"Thank you Punzie." she hugged me, "I'm happy..." I hugged her back. I was about to say something when I heard the door opened. It was Claus.

"Princess Rapunzel! Why are you here? You shouldn't be disturbing her royal highness!"

"Gah! Claus! See you later mother!" I run back to the window and exited there. While I was balancing myself on the tree branch, I heard my mother laugh and said, "She's so lively today, isn't she Claus?"

I heard Claus saying something, but I was too distracted. I can't hold my balance properly, so I slipped and landed on the muddy puddle below. I was so dirty, but it didn't matter; Mommy smiled for me!

I looked up and saw Jack's retreating figure. I called out to him. "What is it?" he asked.

"Ah!" I got the flower out from the pocket of my dress and handed it to him. "This is for you! Sorry for troubling you, and thank you for accompanying me! Oh and, I want to see you smile too!" When he didn't respond, my face fell. "Is that not possible?" My tears were threatening to fall when Jack took the flower and patted me on the head. I looked up at him and saw a small smile forming on his lips.

"You're so stupid, you know that?"

I was always teased by Jack, but...

He offered his hand to me. "Let me help you, you're covered in dirt."

He really was kind.

A couple of months later, a brown-haired boy was introduced to me by my father. His name is Eugene. My father said that he is the third son of the king of the neighboring kingdom, Etoas. At that time, my love for art blossomed and Eugene was the perfect model. The only problem is...

"Ack! Rapunzel! You can't get my nose right!"

"I am still learning you know." I said, telling him off. But deep inside, I was trying not to laugh. While Jack... Well let's just say that he's dying of laughter.

Climbing trees, tag, hide and seek.... That time, this garden was our entire world. The three of us always run around. I always got my dress dirty and was always yelled at because of that. In my mind, I thought these sunny days would continue forever.

But little by little, changes in the garden began to appear silently.


A/N: Sorry, I just had to use North as a butler. Don't hate me! XD


Shirayuki © . All Rights Reserved . 2014

DATE WRITTEN: March 30, 2014

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