Chapter 1

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Today was a boring day at the Scout Regiment. In a room, on the second floor of the building is a room that belongs to a beautiful girl, name (y/n). (y/n) was sitting in her room reading a book she read about 27 times, but who's counting.

 She heard a knock at the door "Come in!". Her older brother, and humanity's strongest soldier, Levi walked in.

 "Oh, so your awake after all. We all were starting to think you slept in." Levi said in his usual monotone voice.

 "yeah, i was just sitting in here, reading books and doing stuff that will pass the time" (Y/N) said with a huff. Her brother looked at her with a worrisome expression. Levi was never the type to show his emotions, but his sister is an exception.

 "Well, you could try to come down to the meeting room with me to talk to everyone. Maybe you can talk to Four-eyes?".

 (y/n) and Hanji have been good friends for a while. Hanji would take care of (y/n) the most. Sometimes, she would allow (y/n) to secretly work with her on titan experiments. They got caught a couple times by Levi and the punishment usually is a bit harsh on Hanji, but he thinks it would teach her not to get his sister involved in whatever crazy stuff she does. 

"Nah, I rather stay in here and read these books" (y/n) started to read the book again. 

Levi stared a bit "haven't you already read that book 27 times?" Levi asked.

 (y/n) looked up from her book "Well yeah but I have already read all the books I have and I just thought I should read this one since I like it very much".

 Levi nodded his head, understanding, then a thought came in mind "Well maybe I can ask Four-eyes if shes got any books you can read".

 (y/n) smiled at her brother "That would be nice, thank you nii-san".

Levi smiled back "Alright, i'll be back in a while. I'll probably be a few hours" Levi walked out his sisters room, closing her door in the process. (y/n) leaned back on her pillow sighing in boredom.

 "Three hours? that's so long though" (y/n) moaned and shoved a pillow on her face. She then looked outside into the forest that she always love to go in.

 'Oh why not? there is nothing else to do here anyway and my brother wont be back in a while'. 

(y/n) got up and put on her (f/c) cape on. It had the wings of freedom wings on it, but unlike everyone else, it was in her favorite color. She crawled out the window and went to the stables to get her horse, (h/n). She got her horse all saddled up and went into the forest, making sure no one saw her since she wasn't allowed in the forest because of the various rumors of monsters being in the forest. She continued to go deep into the forest until she knew she was far away from the building and the rest of the soldiers.

 After traveling for a while, (y/n) stopped at an open field with flowers and a pond and a couple of big willow trees that arch over the pond. (y/n) got off of (h/n) and decided to sit under her favorite willow tree, by the beautiful, sparkling water. She looked up to see a majestic bald eagle flying down towards her. She extended her arm so that the eagle could have somewhere to land. The eagle landed on her arm and ruffles its glorious feathers and calls out loudly. (y/n) smiles before petting the beautiful birds snow-white head and chuckles as it leans its head into her. 

"hows it going, buddy?" (y/n) asked, still petting the bird and smiling. 

Other animals started to surround (y/n) like deer, other kind of birds, chipmunks, squirrels and more. They all sat peacefully together for hours, doing something here and there once in a while and even sing songs with the animals. The sun began to set and as soon as (y/n) noticed, she jumped up and scarred the animals out of their skin. After apologizing to the creatures and saying her goodbyes, she got on her horse and ran off back "home".

 "Oh, nii-san is going to kill me!" (y/n) thought over and over again.

 All the sudden, she was thrown off her horse and landed on the ground. She stood up to see (h/n) running off, wailing for help.

 "(h/n)!, where are you going!?, whats wrong!?" (y/n) calls out, but her horse kept running towards the direction of her home.

 'Well I guess i'm walking then' she thought as she started walking back to the scout building.

 It was really dark in the forest, making the once beautiful, green forest turn into a creepy, dark one. (y/n) was almost back until something flew in front of her, making her fall backwards on the ground once again. She looked up to see a big, vicious wolf, staring down at her, showing his massive, sharp teeth that seems to glow in the moon-lit night. (y/n) tries to stand up and run the other way, only to run into more wolves and to find herself surrounded by the scary predators. She cowered down and waited for one of there jaws to bite down into her flesh and end her life. But that never came, she looked up to see a gigantic wolf, that was much bigger then the other ones, holding a dead wolf in its mouth. The other wolves seems to be afraid, but that didn't stop them from attacking it. The larger wolf took the dead wolf in its mouth and threw it at the wolfs darting towards it. Another wolf came out of nowhere and bit down on the bigger wolfs neck, causing it to roar in pain, but it soon grabbed hold of the wolf and started thrashing it around, ripping its flesh and causing blood to fly everywhere. After the wolf finished ripping the smaller wolf into many pieces, it threw out the pieces of it that was still in its mouth, while staring at the wolves that have not yet been killed. The other wolves fled in fear, leaving the giant wolf and (y/n) alone. (y/n) stared up at the bigger wolf in fear, thinking how she was going to get killed by this massive wolf. But to her surprise, the wolf only looked down at her and continued doing so for a few minutes before walking towards her. (y/n) backed up in fear until her back was pressed up against a tree. She looked up at the wolf that stopped walking towards her and started to stare at her once again. Then all the sudden the wolf started to glow a bit and its shape started to change. After the glowing had died down, (y/n) was shocked at the site before her.

 The wolf turned into a boy. The boy looked he was about around her age, tall, had beautiful brunette hair, a well built and muscular body, and had tattoos. But what caught  her attention the most was his breathtaking, mesmerizing, big eyes that were as beautiful as emeralds and noticed his wolf ears and tail, and noticed a key hanging around his neck as well. They stared at each other for a long time until voices were heard from a distance. The boy looked at (y/n) one more time before running off into the deep, dark forest. (y/n) looked over to see her horse running back to her and right behind her was Levi along with his squad. Erwin, Mike, and Hanji also came into view along with their squads following behind them.

 "(y/n)!" Levi called out, jumping off his horse and running towards you to help you up.

 "Are you OK (y/n)? are you hurt? did something attack you?" Levi continued asking his sister questions about her health.

 "nii-san, i'm OK, really i just ran into a couple of troubles that's all". She replied only for Levi to ask more questions about what kind of trouble she got into. She was getting really annoyed and told her brother that she would like to go back now and get some rest. Everyone was on the same boat and all started to head back. (y/n) jumped onto her horse and started following everyone else back home, but not before turning to the direction the boy went for a second, looking and having question in her head. Questions like 'who was that boy? Why did he save me? Will I see him again? Is he one of the dangerous creatures that everyone talks about?' all these questions flooded her mind as she was heading back to the scouting building.

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