Chapter 3

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After the court was finally over, (y/n) walked over to where Eren sat. She kneel down to his level and looked at him in the eyes. 

"Its ok, your save now" (y/n) smiled at him.

 She the removed the chains and Eren took this opportunity to attack her, pinning her to the ground. Then, just as before, light appeared around the two again, except this time, two tattoo markings, that were identical to Erens, appear on her in the same spots as erens. The same chain connecting the two appeared again and then disappeared along with the light. Eren immediately got off her and looked at her, shock filling his face.

 "What...what the hell just happened? This can't be. Me stuck with you?" Eren, still trying to process what happened, didn't notice all the angry soldiers pointing their weapons at him.

 (y/n), however, saw this all happening in front of her and just as they were about to kill Eren, (y/n) step in front of him to stop the soldiers from attacking. Levi stood in front of her, shocked "What are you doing? He just tried to kill you!".

 (y/n) stood her ground, refusing to move from her spot. "I know he did but he was probably still a bit scared. He's half animal, right? When an animal gets scared, they would most likely attack what ever is in front of them. He probably didn't mean any harm, just a bit startled, Right Eren?" she turned her head to face eren, kneeling on the ground and looking at her, shock still in his face.

 After realizing he was staring at her, he turned his head "Yeah, just startled" he says quietly.

 Levi didn't seem convinced at first but he then calm down a bit. The rest of the soldiers then lowered their weapons and looked at Eren. The room was silent. The outside world seem to have become more alive at that moment, the birds chirping was louder, the suns bright rays going through the window and shining the light down on the soldiers. The leaves were rustling as the wind blew a chilled gust of air. All the world seem to have froze at this peaceful scene, but just for a moment.

 All the sudden a loud outburst from a certain section commander was heard, breaking the silent, peaceful moment. Hanji came, running over to Eren all excited, drool was running down from her mouth and she looks as if she has just ran a Marathon.

 "That was incredible! What was that illuminating light?! Did you do it?! How did you do it?!" Hanji was right up in Erens face, asking him a bunch of questions.

 Eren was getting a little uncomfortable with Hanji being right up in his face. (Y/n) could see that and kindly asked Hanji if she could back off from him a little. Hanji did so but was still flooding him with questions, which made (Y/n) giggle a bit. Everyone eventually cleared out of the court room and went back into doing whatever they were doing before, which for most of them was just talking while drinking. The three captains and the commander, along with (Y/n) and Eren, were all sitting in a small room together.

 Hanji was still asking Eren questions "So how do you transform into a wolf? Do you just think about it and it just happens or do you do something else?" Eren at that point looks like he wants to rip her head off.

 (Y/n), seeing this, decides to ask hanji if she could stop. "Hanji, I know your really want to learn some things about Eren, but maybe you should slow down on the questions or better yet, maybe stop asking. the poor pup is getting annoyed."

 Hanji agreeing with her decided to stop. Eren, however is now bothered by something else. 

"Did you just call me a pup?" Eren turns to (y/n) angrily.

 "I did, why?" (y/n) asked innocently while smiling, which made Eren blush a bit.

 "N-no reason" Eren stuttered out a bit 'Shit, why the hell am I acting like this? Especially to a human?!' Eren screams in his head. 'Is she doing something to me? what kind of weird spell has she put on me? What the hell is this feeling?'

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