Chapter 4

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The sun rise over the horizon, indicating that it was morning. The sun shine into the trees making the dewdrops on the leaves glitter. The grass was a little wet and, like the leaves, had dewdrops that glittered in the suns light. It had rain a bit that night making the morning a little misty.

The sunlight shined through (y/n)'s window, lighting her room a bit. The light shined on her eyes, making her stir in her bed and making her eyes flutter open. She covered her eyes from the beaming rays before turning over on her bed. After turning over, she saw a cute little brown puppy laying next to her. She stood up on her bed and continued staring at the puppy confusingly.

"Where did this puppy come from and how did it get in here?" (y/n) questioned herself as she looked down at the small ball of fur on her bed.

When (y/n) was putting her hand down to pet the puppy, it woke up and growled at her. (y/n) gasped a bit while drawing her hand back away at the growling pup.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" the pup spat out rudely.

(y/n) looked at the pup wide eyed "E-Eren? Is that you?" she questioned.

"Of course its me! How did you not know it was me?!" Eren yelled.

(y/n) looked away embarrassingly answering "Well, I-I've only seen you transform into a large wolf, not really a...a small one" she mumbled the last part.

Eren looked at her and scoffed before transforming back into a human. (y/n) looked up at him to see him in his human form. She looked right into his eyes, blushing. She wasn't really used to waking up to a boy that can turn into a big and small wolf and is also shirtless. Eren just stared back into her eyes, making her shiver a bit. There was something about his gaze that sends chills down (y/n)'s spine.

She looked away before asking "Don't you think you should put a shirt on or... something?"

Eren looked at her confusingly "Why would I put a shirt on?" he asked staring down at (y/n).

"Well, because it's not really appropriate to walk around without a shirt on. I know your probably not use to doing that...but your gonna have to learn to deal with it". (y/n) explained.

Eren really wanted to protest but he didn't want to give his master a hard time, even if she was a little annoying. With a sigh, he gave up and decided to try the whole shirt wearing thing out.

"Well... I suppose I should go find you one. Maybe Hanji might have some that are the right size". (y/n) got up and headed for the door.

"Now you wait here while I go get you some clothes" (y/n) commanded before walking out of the room, leaving Eren alone.

Eren sat there for a bit before getting up and exploring (y/n)'s room. He saw she had a lot of murals on the wall and wondered if she was the one that painted them. The murals were mostly floral stuff. Some had animals in it and looked as if it was telling a story of some sort. He also saw that she had a lot of plants hanging in her room and even some hanging outside her room. Eren assumed that she just really loves gardening and having different varieties of flowers, especially roses since he saw mostly those in different colors. She had very large shelves filled with a whole lot of books. The shelves went all the way up to her ceiling and took up a whole corner of her room. She had small piles of books on her desk too. The desk was sitting to the right of the very large round window, her bed on the left of the window. She had a king size bed that had white sheets and black blankets. Her room was surprisingly a dark shade of red, almost like blood. Not really a color that an innocent girl would have as her room color.

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