Chapter 2

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Its been two weeks since the encounter between (y/n) and the wolf boy. Thought were constantly flooding through (y/n) mind. Her thoughts were interrupted when Hanji came bursting into her room, without knocking, as always. (y/n) jumped up in surprised at Hanji's unexpected visit. Hanji was jumping up and down in excitement making (y/n) smile. 

"What are you so excited about? Did you catch another titan or something?" (y/n) chuckles as hanji keeps getting more excited as each second goes by. 

"Nope! but I wish I did though!" Hanji exclaims in her high pitched voice.

 "We got called to the courthouse earlier. We got word that the military police caught a werewolf!" Hanji was even more excited, if that's even possible.

 "Am I really, also called to the courthouse or are you just inviting me to go with you guys?" (y/n) asked suspiciously.

 "No, you were really called to the court, Commander Erwin called you to meet us in the meeting room so that we can head down together and discuss about how we're going to convince the court to put the werewolf in our custody" Hanji replied.

 (y/n) immediately thought of the boy when Hanji said werewolf. For some reason, she started to feel worried about the boy and wonder if it was him that the military police have caught. Her thoughts where interrupted when she suddenly ran into the meeting rooms doors. (y/n) was now wondering when she started to walk to the meeting room, since she doesn't even recall getting up from her bed. She didn't bother to think about it any further as the doors open, revealing the meeting room and the people in there to go to the court room. The only people that where their was Commander Erwin, Mike, and Levi. Hanji and (y/n) walked into the room to join everyone else and they were soon all on their way to the courtroom to see the werewolf and to gain custody of him. It was a silent walk for a while, until Levi spoke to his sister.

"You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to. You know that, right?" Levi questions (y/n).

 "Well I know i could have make up an excuse for not coming to the court, but I see no point. I'm actually quite interested in this werewolf" (y/n) replied.

 Hanji was was going on and on about how much she wanted to do experiments on the werewolf. (y/n) just smiled seeing hanji blabbering about the werewolf and her experiments on the werewolf. (y/n) looked at Mike to see him looking really tired, not that its out of the ordinary since he always seems tired. She then looked at Commander Erwin, seeing that he too is looking like himself, very determined and ready for anything that's ahead of him. She then looked ahead, seeing the big wooden doors to the courtroom just up ahead of them. She started to feel nervous all the sudden, but she didn't know why she was since she cant think of any reasons to be nervous. She was so busy in thought, she nearly ran into the courtrooms doors that were just a feet in front of her. (y/n) could feel her heart racing, beating so fast she thought it was going to burst out of her chest at any moment. Levi put his hand on her shoulder, which caused (y/n) to snap her head to her brother in shock and tense. Seeing that it was his brother, she calmed down and look down in embarrassment, knowing that, not only her brother witness her getting scared, but the rest of the group.

 "Before any of you ask, yes, i'm perfectly find. Just got startled from the sudden touch, that's all" (y/n) stated, not looking back at any of them.

 Levi was about to say something but Erwin shook his head, indicating that its best to just leave her be. Erwin walked ahead of everyone towards the doors and open them, revealing the courtroom. Everyone walked into the room, (y/n) being the last to walk in. The court room was filled with soldiers from the other brigade that were already there. The court room had a whole, gigantic, beautiful, yet kind of terrifying, moral on the ceiling. The room was well lit thanks to the huge windows on the walls that lets in a good amount of sunlight. (y/n) and the rest of the group kind of split up into two groups. Hanji and Mike went to the right side of the room while (y/n), Levi and Erwin went to the left. The entire room was loud from the chattering among the soldiers, mainly talking about the werewolf and what they think should be done. (y/n) overheard one of the soldiers saying that they should just kill him. The moment she heard him say "him", she began to have flashbacks of her encounter with the boy weeks ago.

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