Chapter 2+2

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1. You randomly quote things!

2. You like Imagine Dragons.

3. You enjoy books to such a degree you can't stop reading.

4. When you sort everyone you meet into Hogwarts houses. (Such a bad habit i have... Bad Raven! *whacks head on wall*)

5. When you wish you had a house elf like Dobby as a friend...

6.  When you wish you had a gigantic personal library that self updated.  (Erised fo ror rim ym)

7. You wish it was easier to find books

8.  Alas earwax!

9.  You relies after a good book you wish you were like Ron and a teaspoon.

10. Your parents just don't understand you.

11. You use books to escape from reality.

12. You wish that all of your favorite books could crossover good with other books.

13. You have always wanted to try Bertie Bots every flavored jelly beans.

14. You know that time has no meaning when reading a book.

15. You try to follow time has no meaning, until your parents get mad.

16. You want a good Percy Jackson movie or TV show

17. You know why "Always" and "Thank you" are so sad.

18. You know that dollop head can be summed up into two words. (Guess which!)

19. When you know that dam is a joke that you will never grow dam tired of.

20. You have always wanted/done to name a pet after your favorite character

21. You know that white mice are trying to take over the world.


Thanks Mizu_01  for the ideas!

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