Damon Salvatore ✓

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Requested by @QueenSierra330 - I know you requested romantic and short but this is what I came up with. If you'd like another, I'd be more than happy to accommodate.

    You could feel that something wasn't right

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You could feel that something wasn't right. You trusted Damon when it came to protecting himself. Hell, you trusted him more than you trusted yourself. But you'd called Stefan and he was already back at the boarding house after his and Damon's attempt to take down Klaus.

You tried his phone again, pressing your mobile to your ear, hoping that he'd just pick up and assure you that he was safe. There was no response. You threw your phone across the room out of frustration and let an angry scream escape your lips.

The only thing you could do now was look for him. Your parents were out of town and so you didn't need to think of an excuse to leave the house. You grabbed your coat and left the house, sticking the key into the ignition of your car and speeding out of the driveway.

You ended up at the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan opened the door, biting his lower lip as he saw your smeared makeup and crestfallen face. "Sierra..." he started nervously, "I think you should go home."

"I'm not leaving until I know Damon's safe," you said defiantly, pushing past Stefan and allowing yourself into the boarding house. Stefan caught your arm just as you were about to walk into the living room.

Your breath hitched as you caught sight of a figure lying on the couch, a thick layer of blood coating their chest. "Damon," you realised. You yanked your arm out from Stefan's grip and rushed to Damon.

"You have to go, Sierra," Damon said, "I don't want you here. You can't see me like this."

You stared at him, shocked at the words leaving his mouth. You and Damon hadn't really admitted your feelings for each other but you still weren't going to leave him when he was at his most vulnerable. You still loved him and seeing him in this state wasn't going to change that.

"I'm not going anywhere," you said fiercely, looking into his eyes.

"I don't want you-"

"Damon, stop telling me what to do!" you interrupted, annoyed at his attempts to shield you from seeing him. "How can you tell me to go when you're like this? I'm going to stay by your side until you get better."

Damon didn't say anything, watching you disbelievingly as you defended your right to stay by his side. "Why would you stay?" he asked suddenly, allowing himself to sit upright.

"Why wouldn't I?" you countered, not wanting to tell him the real reason why you were going to stay. You didn't know if he liked you in the same way you liked him.

"Because I'm me, Sierra! I'm selfish and unreasonable and I'm not good to be around," Damon told you, his blue eyes widening as he explained himself. "I don't want to be a bad influence on you."

"That doesn't matter to me, Damon. I love-" you slapped a hand over your mouth before the three words could slip out of your mouth. You prayed that he didn't notice but this was Damon Salvatore, of course he noticed.

"What did you say?" Damon asked, shaking his head.

"Nothing," you spluttered. "I said nothing."

"Don't lie, Sierra," Damon snapped.

"Fine!" you yelled back, "You want to know what I said? I said I love you. Because I do, Damon Salvatore, I love you so damn much. And it kills me knowing that you don't love me back. And do you think I like having these feelings? Because I don't! I hate seeing you and having my heart ache. I hate the way you put yourself in danger time and time again. And I hate that you don't feel the same way. Most of all - I hate that I love you, Damon Salvatore."

You turned away from Damon, picking yourself up off the floor and readying yourself to walk away from him. But you couldn't find the energy to move. It was like your legs were stuck to the floor. "Sierra," you heard him say quietly.

You spun around to find Damon struggling to stand up, holding a palm to cover the wound on his chest that had bled through his shirt. "Sierra," he struggled to speak, "I love you too."

At first you thought Damon was joking, because it was the type of thing Damon would do. But then he began to walk towards you, every inch of his body in pain with every step he took. But he didn't stop until only a few inches separated the two of you. His eyes flickered from your eyes and to your lips.

In less than a second, his lips were pressed against yours and the only sound in the room was both of your heartbeats melting into one as you realised that Damon Salvatore was as in love with you as you were with him.

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