Stefan Salvatore ✓

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Requested by @DippzyAsh - slightly on the less romantic side but I hope you like it. Honestly, I just go with whatever my mind conjures up and this is what I came up with. Thanks for requesting!

   Every teenage girl had a fantasy of what their homecoming would be like

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Every teenage girl had a fantasy of what their homecoming would be like. You however, could not care less. You didn't care about the expensive dresses or prepubescent boys asking their crushes to the special event. Homecoming to you was just a normal night.

Despite having almost been together for half a year, Stefan was still unaware of your passive nature towards homecoming. He thought you were like all the other girls and would want a magical night filled with the normalcy of being a teenage girl. He'd already planned out how he was going to ask you to be his date.

Stefan had texted you a simple 'Meet me at the Boarding House after school' the week before homecoming. You did as the text said, driving to his place after your last period for the day. You told Caroline and Bonnie where you were headed and they gave you knowing smiles, suppressing the urge to tell you exactly what your boyfriend had been planning.

You were hesitant to walk right into Stefan's home as you usually did. You didn't like being around his older brother, Damon. He made you feel on edge with his crooked smirk and flirty comments. You knocked on the door loudly, waiting for Stefan to open it. But you were met with the Salvatore you dreaded seeing - Damon. His lips pulled into a grin and he offered you a confident wink, "And what can I do for you, April?"

You rolled your eyes, ignoring Damon and allowing yourself to walk up to Stefan's room without a second glance at the elder Salvatore.

Unlike most times, Stefan's door was closed. Normally, he kept it wide open for you, so you could enter without having to ask for permission. But something felt strange about the whole situation.
You shook off the feelings of anxiousness and slowly turned the knob. "Stefan?" You asked out loud.

Stefan stood in the centre of the room, a lopsided grin on his face as you took in your surroundings. Hundreds of glowing fairy lights were scattered everywhere, illuminating the room gloriously. Stefan held a white sign, the words Homecoming? painted onto it in big, bold letters.

You were overwhelmed with Stefan's effort but your heart dropped at his expectant face. You weren't into prom and you were confused as to why Stefan thought you were interested in the event. "Stefan, it's beautiful," you said unsurely, "But I never wanted to go to homecoming. What made you think I did?"

Stefan's smile disappeared and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean? You said last week that you needed a night of normalcy. A night that didn't involve vampire business."

You bit your lip. "Stefan, I hate homecoming with a passion. I'm sorry."

Stefan's eyes darkened and he moved closer to you. "You're ashamed of me, aren't you? You're ashamed of what I am."

You ran a hand through your hair and groaned in frustration. "Why would I be ashamed of you?"

"Because I'm a vampire April!" Stefan yelled dangerously. "You hate all this supernatural stuff. You never want to go on dates, or even to the movies, with me. If you're so ashamed of me, just admit it!"

You scoffed at him, telling yourself to keep it together. "I'm not ashamed of you, Stefan. The reason I don't like to go out in public with you is because I know how hard it is for you to not rip out someone's jugular. I love you Stefan and all I'm doing is trying to help you control that bloodlust. Why would you think otherwise?"

Stefan looked at you in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the reason you always chose to spend your nights with him at home rather than fancy restaurants was all for him. For a moment, everything was silent. And then Stefan hesitantly walked up to you and cupped your face in his hands.

"I love you so much," he said, looking into your eyes with pure sincerity. "I'm so sorry, April. I shouldn't have yelled-"

"Stefan, it's okay. I love you too," you said softly, pressing your lips firmly against his.

"No, it's not okay," Stefan said, both of you resting your foreheads against the other's. "I accused you of being ashamed of me when all you've been trying to is help me."

You smiled up at him. "Stefan, there's ways you can make it up to me."

"I'll do anything, April," Stefan said without hesitation, his mossy green eyes shining with anticipation.

You let out a giggle as you planted yourself where Stefan had stood just moments before. You grabbed the homecoming sign and held it against your chest, plastering a goofy grin on your face. "Will you, Stefan Salvatore, be my date to an overpriced and overhyped high school dance?"

He looked at the sign in amusement and said, "Yes, April, I'd be honoured."

A/N - If you're looking for a Riverdale or TVD fanfiction to read, I have one up for both. Please check them out. Also, if you read any of my fanfictions [such as Online] featuring original characters then have a look at my book 'Angels & Demons' in which you can get a better insight into my characters. It's only been published today but nonetheless, go check it out. As always, thanks for reading!

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