A Bad Feeling

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All morning, I’ve felt like I’m in the opening sequence of a horror movie. Driving to work at 6am on a Sunday in the middle of winter, it is always quiet and dark. There are no street lights on the little highway I drive. So the sight of three sets of police cruiser lights on the side of the road is jarring. Passing them, I realize there are no police officers in the vehicles and I can’t see them in the field beyond.

Continuing down the highway, from the overpass, a strange sight catches my attention. A semi is parked on the side of the road, facing the wrong direction. It is surrounded by two police emergency flat beds, their headlights pointing into the open trailer, but doing little to illuminate what’s inside. People are standing around motionless, staring into the seemingly empty cargo area.

I keep driving. Another emergency flatbed comes flying up the exit on the other side of the highway, headed back toward the semi. Then, there is a Metro bus parked on the shoulder, empty, lights on inside and out. Its scroll flashes “Not in Service.”

When I finally get to work, the parking lot empty save for my car and the overnight custodian’s SUV, there is a glimmer of hope. A bird is singing as the sun starts to rise, but it is suddenly, almost violently, drowned out by the cawing of a crow. A disquieting feeling has come over me. An anxious grimly anticipatory feeling, as though something is coming but I don’t know from where, or when, or how.

Please read my other books. Would mean a lot.

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