The Car Crash

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There was a story about how a guy was driving through the mountains (ex army) and came across a crash. The car wasn’t damaged at all and almost deliberately placed in the middle of the road. He drove past and saw 2 people lying in the road. He pulls up in front of the “crash” and then looks back to see the people sat up and 20 or so eyes reflecting in his taillights from the surrounding bushes. He slams on the gas and goes. This story scares me because this kind of thing does happen with “mountain tribes” who are either cannibalistic or crazy.

I know that this is really a scary story but I just wanted to but it up because things like this do happen. Seriously though, be careful when you're in the mountains alone or anywhere alone in a car for that matter. You don't know what kind of sick, demented people are out there.

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