More Two Sentence Creepers

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The doctors told the amputee he might experience a phantom limb from time to time. Nobody prepared him for the moments though, when he felt cold fingers brush across his phantom hand.

Yesterday my parents told me I was too old for an imaginary friend and that I had to let her go. They found her body this morning.

It sat on my shelf, with thoughtless porcelain eyes and the prettiest pink doll dress I could find. Why did she have to be born still?

My daughter won't stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn't help.

When you grabbed my hand during a night swim I thought it was the happiest day of my life. Then I realized you were using both hands to tread water…

I’m the best hider in hide and seek. I was found only once, but never again.

The woman sang a sad song. Her voice echoed through the old empty seats.

I learned at a young age that, if you aren’t afraid of them, the monsters in the closet and under your bed can be your friends. Much later in life, I learned how to get them to do my bidding and here's a hint, WATCH OUT!

I usually take the long road from work back to my home at the edge of the village, but today, everybody looked down as I walked past. When I placed my key in the lock, I heard an emotionless voice from behind: “I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”

While lying in bed trying to go to sleep, I heard my dog scratching my bedroom door. As I got up to let her in, I found her sleeping at the side of the bed.

You are watching a movie with your girlfriend and you feel her head rest against your shoulder. Then you look in the kitchen only to see your girlfriend making popcorn.

Just as I was finished washing the dishes my daughter pulled on my yellow dress and beckoned me to follow her to her room. She still held tightly as I walked into the empty room, remembering that my daughter had died two weeks ago.

I was alone cleaning in my house and on my way up the attic I heard a little voice saying, “take a break and let’s play.”

It was a hot summer day, I was at school working alone in my advisory classroom. It was so hot that I planned to open the windows til I have realized that there was someone behind the curtains.

So one day, I accidentally cut my finger and blood started oozing out, and dripping on the floor. Like always, my polite housekeeper asked, “Sir, can I finish your leftovers”?

Shortly after three, he climbed into bed and put his arm around me, releasing a tired sigh after working the night shift. Ten minutes later, the front door opened, and I heard my husband talking on his phone: “You don’t understand. He’s after us.”

Speechless, I was very happy to see my family again. I only wish I could have told them I wasn’t dead, before they closed the coffin lid and lowered me into the ground.

The strange man watched with glee as the two sisters barricaded their bedroom door with a dresser. For they did not know that he was already in the closet, waiting.

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