Chapter 20

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Read AN @ End and ignore typos

It's been two weeks and Lauren has still yet to wake up. They are really starting to worry about Laurens future.

The Jaguars (her fans) have now found about this whole situation and are freaking out but are also praying for her to return healthy.

I miss her so much. Not hearing her voice everyday or her infectious laugh, it's killing me.

The doctor said the longer she's in a coma the more disabled she'll be when she wakes up or even if.

I've been by her side every second of the day but the girls felt like I needed to get away for a second so we're out to eat at McDonald's since it's fast.

"So graduation is coming up." Dinah said while shoving her burger in her mouth.

"I know I'm so excited!" Ally said clapping her hands.

"I can't believe we are pretty much done with highschool. We've worked 13 years for this." Normani said.

"Mani we're in 12th grade..."

"Dinah if you include kindergarten, we've been in the Miami school system for 13 years." Mani rolled her eyes.

"Ooooohhh." Dinah said.

We all just talked while we finished our food. I didn't talk much. Im glad they didn't pressure me to talk. They know I'm stuck in my own head right now and I'm thankful they understand that I just need to think.

Once we were finished eating they dropped me off at the hospital. I was going to go see a movie with them but Laurens parents had to go to work and I didn't want her there alone.

I walked upstairs into her room and sat down while holding her hand.

"Hey. So I went out to lunch with the girls today. We talked about graduation. I can't believe I'm graduating in a few months. It's crazy." I knew she wouldn't respond, but all of me was hoping I was wrong.

"We all really miss you. Your fans are also really worried about you. Your mom has been keeping them updated. Lauren I really hope you wake up soon. I miss you so god damn much you have no idea. I miss you voice, your laugh, your smile, your eyes, I miss you and I miss us and when you wake up I swear to god I'll kill you for 'disappearing' for this long." I put my head down and cried in her hand that I was holding.

I felt her hand twitch and I whipped my head up to meet her beautiful green eyes.

"Omg hi! Omg Lauren I missed you so much!" I jumped up and down a little bit and she didn't do anything.

"I'll go get the doctor." I kissed her head and ran out of the room.

After a few minutes of running around I finally was able to track down the doctor. We walked back to her room and he examined her. I had to stay out of the room during the process so I took that time to call her family and call the girls. They were all heading over as soon as possible.

"Alright ms. Cabello, Lauren looks to be as expected. She has some droopiness on her right side due to the part of the Brain effect by the stroke. Over time that will go away. Now she hasn't spoke or anything but there is to be expected some memory loss long term or short we don't know yet, difficulty talking the one of the most frequent, it looks like her right leg and right arm are having trouble with movements but hopefully over time physical therapy will take care of that but we never know." I just nodded trying to process everything.

"I know it's a lot to handle. A stroke is a major thing to happen to the Brian. Lots are lucky to live." I thank him and let him get on with his rounds.

I walked back in to her room and sat down.

"Hi. Do you remember me?" I asked Lauren.

No answer.

"Okay how about this, two blinks fast means yes, three blinks mean no, and closing your eyes for a longer period of time means maybe?" I asked. She blinked twice quickly.

"Oh shit great okay... do you know who I am?" I asked scared for her answer.

She closed her eyes. That's a kinda. Okay that's better than a no.

"Okay um, are you thirsty?" I asked pointing to the water.

She blinked twice. I figured she was.

Once I helped her take a drink her parents and the girls walked in.

"Oh my god Lauren!" Clara yelled/cried as she pretty much attacked Lauren with a hug.

I'm guessing Lauren knew who she was because she hugged back with her left arm.

I briefed them on what the doctor said and left the room with the girls allowing Lauren and her family to have some time.

"So do you think she'll remember us and her fans?" Ally asked taking a seat in the chair of the waiting room for that floor.

"I don't know hopefully. She said she kinda remembers me. I guess that's better than not knowing me at all but still it hurts a bit." I said playing with my fingers.

"Hey. Things could honestly be worse. She could be complete gone." Dinah said putting her hand in my thigh.

"Yeah I guess that's true." I said with a small smile.

"Girls you can come back in now." Mike said in the doorway. We nodded and got up to go back to the room.

I took a seat next to Lauren and grabbed her hand. I pulled out my phone and made a tweet.

@Camilacabello97: Lauren has just woken up and is to be expected. Please keeping sending your prayers for a speedy recovery 💕

I put my phone away and looked up at her with a smile.

"I love you." I dimpled said kissing her hand, not expecting anything in return.

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