Chapter 12 ~ Coffee Date

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I wake up to "Tear In My Heart" by Twenty One Pilots. I opened my laptop and uploaded the video. I climb out of bed and I walk to the kitchen. I see Dan browsing on his laptop.

"Mornin' hoe" I say in a singsong voice to him. He just laughs and continues Tumblr. I grab a bowl of cereal and curl up next to him on the couch. He eyes my bowl and exclaims "You too!? WHY DOES EVERYONE STEAL MY CEREAL!". I laugh, grab the TV remote and turn on my favorite show.

"I LOVE THAT SHOW!" Dan cries out next to me. He sets his laptop down and pulls me in to snuggle me. I rest my head in the spot between his neck and shoulder. After we settle in, we start watching the show.

After the show ends, Dan turns to me and says "Why don't we go get some coffee? There's a Starbucks down the street"

"Sure! Starbucks sounds great! Let me go get ready" I take a quick shower and sing my favorite songs. When I get out I slip on a black and maroon dress with a white collar. I pair that with some black heels and a maroon purse. I do my makeup with a black cat eye and brown eyeshadow. After I apply ruby red lipstick, I meet Dan by the door.

For a moment he stares at me, looking me up and down. Its not like he was checking me out, his eyes not full of lust, but love. Our eyes meet, my (E/C) ones meeting his brown. We stood there for a moment, gazing at each other. A siren blared outside in the busy streets of London snapping us out of our trance.

"So.. um... d-do you want to go?" Dan stuttered, breaking eye contact with me.

"Yeah" I practically whispered. We walked to the sidewalk, the sun hitting my skin.  "Im gonna sunburnt if the sun keeps this up" I chuckle as we stroll to the coffee shop. I slipped my hand into his as we walk down the street and enter Starbucks.

I order my favorite drink and Dan orders the same. "So lets read the comments on the video that I posted of us" I nervously chuckle as we take our seats.

"Dan and (Y/N) are my OTP! OMG"

"Why didn't Dan and Phil do the whipped cream dare :("

"Dan + (Y/n) + whipped cream = F*CKING HOT"

The last one made me laugh so hard. 

"I knew we would get a reaction from our fanbases if we posted that but I didn't think it would be the only comment" I laughed.

"I knew that would happen. (Y/N), it was 'f*cking hot'" he smirked in reply "Who knows? Maybe we'll do it again?" I just rolled my eyes and smiled in response. I sipped my drink as a boy walked over.

"Hey" he said as he flipped his hair. He is looking me up and down, but not in the way Dan does it. It was in a creepy way, a way where he looked like he was craving something. I looked at Dan in the eyes as a way to say 'help'. He nodded in response.

"Umm... Hi?" I said turning to the man.

"I just wanted to say that you look amazing" he said getting closer to me, touching my shoulder.

"Umm... th-thanks" I say as I shrug his hand off my shoulder. I look to Dan, who sees this and looks enraged. As the man leans in to forcefully kiss me, Dan yells "DUDE! THATS MY F*CKING GIRLFRIEND!"

The man steps back, wide-eyed. 

"S-sory mate" he says as he retreats from the encounter.

"Well that was weird" I say to Dan.

"Yeah" he chuckles back. 

"Anyways, should we head back?" I ask.

"Yeah. Phil is probably lonely" he says with a laugh. We stand, hand in hand, and walk home.

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