25: The Kiss

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When we got to the house, I felt my tongue getting worse. We got in and went to the library.

I started to say something hopefully they understood me. Sunny babbled, 'whu?' Violet picked her up.

"Good idea. Sunny and I will take a bath to help our rashes and you get to the research." Violet said. I picked up books and showed them to her.

"These will work." I said through my swollen tongue. Violet and Sunny left. I sat in the couch. (Y/N) was with me. "I learned that tea always helps a swollen tongue and I know how to make one, maybe I can help you?" She said.

I looked at her and smiled a little with a nod. She smiled back and left. I continued to research in the books.

When she came back, she handed the tea to me and sat down next to me. "Thank you, (Y/N)." I said, still had a swollen tongue and drank a little.

She smiled. "Anything for you, Klaus." She said. I looked into her eyes. "You have been a great help." I wished she understood what I said.

"I always love to help you in everything." She said and grabbed my hand. She seemed to understand what I said.

Looking into her eyes, I realized something I didn't think I would be feeling for anyone. I am here hoping she feels the same way. I remember my mother told me that someday I was going to feel this.

I never thought I would feel it now. I was deep in my thoughts and started leaning in to her. She was doing the same, until I noticed and backed up slowly.

She smiled and sighed as she was the one leaning to me. My heart was just beating faster as I felt her get closer. "(Y/N), but my swollen tongue. You sure?" I said getting better with my speaking.

She chuckled lightly. "I don't care, all I care is to kiss you." She said and I smiled fluttering my eyes shut slowly. I suddenly felt her lips touch mine and I blushed.

I never thought I would blush. She slowly pulled away after a while. I just smiled at her. "I never said this but I find you rather.. cute." She said. I chuckled lightly. "Feeling any better?" She asked.

I actually felt my swollen tongue feeling way better. "Actually yes." I said, with my voice more clear. She smiled at me and suddenly Violet came in and we got up.

"So, is there anything you found?" She asked with Sunny in her arms. "Well, I feel better now that (Y/N) made me this tea." I said. Violet smiled.

We could suddenly feel the floor moving. "Oh no." (Y/N) said. Then the house was moving to the side, about to fall to the Ocean. Hurricane Herman was here.

I slipt through the rug and was sliding down on top of it. Violet was grabbing the map and (Y/N) the book shelf. I was sliding to the end of the window. "Klaus!" I could hear (Y/N)'s voice.

I tried to not feel scared, remembering the kiss. I grabbed myself from the edge and I could see the ocean and the house was moving a lot. I grabbed myself tightly and saw a picture in the edge.

As the house was moving, I tried grabbing it. I could feel it in my hand and then the house tilted to the front and threw me to the edge of the door of the entrance of the library, where Violet, Sunny and (Y/N) were.

We were in the floor and then got up quickly running to the front door of the house and going out as the house collapsed to the ocean.

We just stared and it started to rain as we looked to the sky. We were getting wet and I looked at (Y/N) and she looked back at me.

She grabbed my hand and we looked at the end of the cliff to the ocean. I sighed and wondered what we could do now.

Arent you happy it happened already guysss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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