36: Lucky Boy

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[ this chapter will not be really the same as the events of the last part of episode 8, it will be different bc of course, I like to be original. Enjoy :) ]
We had fallen asleep on the middle of studying the words. When I woke up, I noticed Klaus wasn't there.

I woke Violet up and she looked around. "Where is Klaus?" She asked me as she got up and picked Sunny up.

"I have no idea but he is not here and im afraid of what will happen now." I said and sighed. "I knew this would happen, I couldn't save him." I said and looked down.

Violet sighed. "Don't worry about it (Y/N), we will solve this and get Klaus back alright?" Violet said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and looked at her. "(Y/N), you really like him, don't you?" She asked me. I sighed and looked down, as I nodded softly.

"A lot, Violet. You have no idea how much I love him." I said and looked back at her. She nodded softly and removed her hand from my shoulder lightly.

"Well, lets go. We need to see where he is." Violet said and I nodded as we both walked out the door.

We walked around the mill. "Where do you think he could be?" Violet asked. "Maybe in the work shed." I suggested.

Violet nodded and we walked over there. As we went, we could see Charles, who was tied up in a log.

We knew something bad was going to happen. There was a lever that if you pull it, the log will move and will probably do something horrible to Charles.

I stared at the person who was standing behind it. Klaus..

Violet and I exchanged looks as we were walking closer. Suddenly, we were grabbed by someone.

The hook- handed man grabbed Violet and me. I tried to pull away from him, just as Violet was also trying to do it.

"Let us go!" I yelled as Count Olaf was coming out. Violet had left Sunny on the floor before he grabbed us.

"You think you can save your pathetic boyfriend, don't you? Well, guess what? He is under our control." Count Olaf said.

I looked at him. "Yes, I do, I do think I can save my amazing boyfriend!" I yelled at him. Violet looked at me.

Count Olaf started chuckling. "Aww, thats cute. But its a shame that he can't love you because he is under our control." He said and looked at Klaus. "Lucky, push the lever." He said again.

Klaus did as he was told and I sighed and looked over at the log where Charles is, as I saw Sunny biting the rope.

I looked back at Violet. "You can't get away with this." Violet said. Then Violet looked back at me like if she had a plan.

"Lucky, pull!" Violet yelled to Klaus. He did as he was told and Count Olaf looked at Violet and back at Klaus. "Lucky, push!" He said.

Violet and himself kept on making Klaus do things and all I wanted him to do was to kiss me again.

We then turned to see Dr. Orwell coming to us with Sunny in her hands and Count Olaf looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her. "You think I was gonna leave that easy?" Dr. Orwell asked him.

Violet and I looked at her. "Put Sunny down." Violet said quietly and Dr. Orwell was arguing with Count Olaf.

I then thought for a moment, I wanted Klaus to stop and I was thinking on the word that can het Klaus out of te hypnosis.

The memories came to me, when I said I missed him an an inordinate amount. It had to be that word.

I sighed as the hook handed man let go to not let the angry mob of workers come in.

I walked closer to where Klaus was and took a deep breath, as I knew what I had to do and yelled out what came out of my head.

"Lucky boy! I.. I love you! I love you in an inordinate amount!" I yelled as I turned to the others who were looking at me, silence filling the place, except for the mob outside.

I was looking at everyone when I felt a hand grab my own. As I turned around, Klaus had a smile on his face and then..

he kissed me..

My cheeks were turning red as he pulled away softly and put his forehead against mine. "I love you too, my lucky girl. This isn't the perfect time, but do you want to be my girlfriend?" He said in a whisper.

I smiled and chuckled lightly. "Klaus, I would love to." I answered in a whisper.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes as we were interrupted. "That was just a cute scenario of young, fantasty romance, but come back to reality." Count Olaf said.

Klaus grabbed my hand as we turned to him. "If you want our fortune, keep it, just don't hurt her!" Violet said.

"Boss, I don't think I can keep it any longer!" The hook handed man said as the mob was getting in.

As the mob was starting to open the door, Dr. Orwell was taking steps back, where there was a fire chamber.

She kept walking back until she fell backwards into it, throwing Sunny in the air and Violet caught her.

The mob finally came in and we could see Count Olaf running away with the hook handed man.

We looked out as they ran away. I had Klaus grabbing my hand and I sighed, looking at him.

He then put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

After all these unfortunate things I have been, the only fortunate thing I was now,

was being Klaus' girlfriend.

Next chapter is the last one of this story :( but I will make the sequel that continues on in the boarding school, the quagmire triplets will come out in the sequel, hopefully isadora isn't a problem between you and Klaus ;) i will have my own storyline though for the sequel :) anyway, have a great day!

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