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"Can you stay?"

Karson stood there in my doorway for a minute and looked at the doorframe before slightly nodding her head and sitting beside my bed in my desk chair.

"No one will hurt her if I'm around. No one." Karson whispered to herself.

I rolled over, facing the window, watching the stars as if they will fall out of the sky.

"Tris?" Karson said just above a whisper.

"Yes?" I said while rolling over.

"Just know that if I'm around... no one, and I mean no one will hurt you."

I just stared in her eyes that were reflecting the stars.

"Can I sleep with you? Not like sex, but like lay in the bed with you but not like in a sexual way." She nervously ranted.

"Yes," I chuckled lightly.

"Why are you laughing?" She stood up with her arms crossed as she walked over to my bedside.

"You stuttered." I giggled.

She stood there for a minute, just frozen, and then stole all of the blankets and laid on my bed beside me.

"I'll get cold..." I whined.

"You laughed at me." She said in a childish tone.

"I'm sorry, can I have some blankets back?"

She rolled over facing me and moved the blankets over to me.

*15 minutes later*

Karson is dead asleep. I don't know how it is possible to fall asleep that quickly.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel her arm snake around my waist and pull me to her chest. I smiled, I don't know why... but for the first time in years I felt safe...

"Tris, wake up." Karson lightly whispered while rubbing my arm to wake me.

I rolled over and faced her. How is she still so gorgeous after sleeping? Shit did I just think that?! Nope sure didn't... oops.

"Morning," she smiled at me and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Morning," I smiled back.

"The nurse called and said for you to stay IN BED for the rest of the week and I'm staying here to take care of you."

"Don't you have practice?"

"Eh, I'll bring a blow up mattress." I giggled at her answer.

"You can go without me, I can handle myself."

"No, the nurse said for me to take care of you and coach told me to be at practice so you are coming with me." She stated in a matter of a fact tone.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. "Holy shit dizzy, and why the fuck is the sun so bright?"

"It's always that bright Sunshine."

I groaned and went to the bathroom, as soon as I stepped foot into the bathroom I fell.

"Tris...? Are you okay?" Karson shouted from out in the room.

"Ugh" I groaned again and got undressed and climbed into the tub.

"Do you need help Sunshine?"


"Yeah, it's your new nickname Ms 'why the fuck is the sun so bright.'"

I scoffed and turned the water on.

I just sat there in the hot water, the heat engulfing me. But my relaxing ended when I heard a knock on the door and screaming following it.

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