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POV: Tris

It's been four hours since Karson left for the party, and it's now three in the morning. I can't sleep since I have no idea what Karson's state is or if she is even okay.

When I heard the stubborn door knob turn I bolted from my room to stand in front of the door.

"Heeeeey Sunny Shiny!" Karson slurred with one arm over Riley's shoulders.

"You promised you wouldn't drink much." I crossed my arms over my chest and went into full disappointment mode.

"I didn't." Karson slurred with a frown.

"She's piss drunk." Riley spoke up. "I've only got a buzz, so I took her back to her apartment instead of having her sleep on the gym floor." Riley slurred here and there, but she was nowhere near as drunk as Karson.

"Thank you." I sighed and gave her an appreciative smile.

"Nooo problem." Riley smiled.

Karson nearly fell over, but Riley grabbed her arm before she hit the floor.

"Come on Catch, help me out here." Riley groaned at Karson since she didn't make an attempt to get back on her feet.

"Karson you need to go to bed." I growled at her so it would get into her thick skull.

"Okay," Karson slurred and did her best to get back on her feet, but Riley did most of it.

"Can you lead her to her room please?" I ran my fingers through my messy hair with a stressed sigh. I'm waiting for the flashbacks at this point.

"Yeah," Riley smiled before helping a very wobbly Karson to her room.

I watched Karson plop onto her bed as Riley stumbled since Karson almost took her down with her since her arm didn't leave her shoulders when she fell to the mattress.

"Sunny Shiny! Come cuddle with me!" Karson smiled, but my face stayed disappointed.

"Thank you Riley." I gave her a smile as she walked out of the room and soon out of the apartment. "I'm not going to sleep with you tonight." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why not?" Karson's face immediately turned into a pouty face.

"You reek of alcohol and it will bring back bad memories. I don't even know if you remember them at this state, but I'm hoping you will listen to what I'm saying." I looked down at the floor as I listened to her unsteady breathing.

"I do remember. Jussst not really well." Karson was trying to be sober, but in no way, shape, or form was she able to.

"Just go to sleep Karson." I mumbled before walking out of her room.

I walked to the kitchen to get her a bottle of water and some pain killers.

She doesn't even know how much it stresses me out by getting so drunk that she can't even stand up straight.

My hands gripped the edge of the sink till my hands turned white.

I quietly placed the pills and bottle of water on her nightstand before trying to take her alcohol drenched shirt off.

"No, I haaave a girlfriend." Karson tried to push my hands away, but her eyes were still closed since she was on the verge of passing out.

"I am your girlfriend you idiot. Now sit up." I sighed.

Karson practically did a curl up and held it just long enough for me to take her shirt off and throw it in the hamper at the foot of her bed. After holding it she plopped down flat on the bed.

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