I'll Only Run to You

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POV: Karson

"If you keep being that cute, you're gonna have to kiss me. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules." I playfully flirted with Sunshine, the comment only got me an eye roll. "Damn, I thought really hard about that one. Do you know how long it took me to come up with that?" I groaned.

"You're just a dork." She lightly laughed as she did her work on her computer, her pencil behind her ear, glasses on, hair in a messy bun, one of my sweatshirts that is like, two or three sizes too big on her, and only underwear for pants.

I walked up behind her and read one of the questions on screen. "What in the hell is a phospholipid bilayer?"

"If you studied, you'd know." She stated as she popped a grape in her mouth before finishing writing down whatever it is on her paper before clicking the correct answer and moving on.

"Why are you writing all of the questions and answers down?" I looked at our faint refection on the screen.

"These 'pre-tests' are just the real test but the questions are switched around. If I take these notes, I'll know exactly what will be on the test." She shrugged as she nibbled on the eraser of her pencil, concentrating on the new question. Time to tease.

A smirk grew on my face as I walked to the bathroom and pretended to forget my new change of clothes so guess what? I gotta go get them obviously. I walk out in just my sports bra and underwear. "Hey Sunshine, do you know where my clean clothes are?" I hid my smirk as she signaled for one second before turning towards me in her chair and gulping, her eyes scanning my body.

"I j-just w-washed them for y-you yesterday while you were at MMA practice." She stuttered as she struggled to keep eye contact with me.

"Oh, thank you Sunshine." I smiled at her and stalked towards her to 'properly thank her.'

"N-no problem." She tried to hide everything with a smile.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, my hands traveling rather low. "Get back to work Sunshine." I grazed my teeth against her ear before walking away.

"You're such a f'ing tease." She groaned and covered her face with her hands, her glasses sliding up.

I laughed as I walked out into the living room and to my room to get some clothes.


"Sunshine, do you know what the answers are?" I whispered to her as Mrs Ryan was working at her desk, facing away from us.

"Of course I do, but you don't because you teased me instead." She smirked, not once looking up from her paper.

"Please help me, I'll pay you back any way you want. I just need help." I quietly begged.

She rolled her eyes before pointing to the answers on my sheet. I kissed her forehead to quietly say thank you after she was done. "The short answer one is all you, but the answer is basically number two. Just reword it. She puts these in tests to see if you actually register and fully pay attention to the test." Sunshine whispered to me, checking over my shoulder ever now and then to see if she was still facing her computer or not.

"You're the best, I love you." I whispered to her before bringing her hand up to my lips.

"I love you too, now start studying. That's how I want you to repay me."

Damn it.


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