01. Agent Leeana

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"Why are you knuckle heads just sitting around? We have real work to do!" said Agent Enzo Berslin.

"Sorry, boss," said Special Agent Huxx, the Jr detective. "I wrote down a couple of notes on a case that the CIA forced us to work on. I just finished the conversation on the phone. The new directer is kinda - annoying. Anyway, there is an old women who was found laying right next to a creepy abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere."

"Any signs of murder?" 

"Yes, boss. It seems like someone attack her from behind. The CIA, again, forced us to work on this case until we know more about the killer. But right now we have to wait until the CIA calls us in order to go to the crime scene."

"I called in to see who exactly found that women," informed Special Agent Etta, who sat just across from Berslin's desk. "The CIA found out that a salesman from San Francisco passed by, probably lost, and found her. I don't know exactly how the CIA found this guy, but they did."


"...And the CIA has released him. All he said to the CIA was that he just found her. Wouldn't exactly tell the CIA how  or when he found her," clarified Special Agent Huxx.

"Do we have any identification of the women?" asked Agent Berslin.

"No, it's a Jane Doe. No wallet, no identification. What we do know is that she is old from what I can see here of a picture that I hacked from the CIA. The CIA is tricky, changing there password automatically every 15 minutes. From the picture, she is about mid 70s give or take," informed Etta. "I have run through every single face recognition system in all of San Francisco, but still found no match."

Suddenly, a blond figure walked up the stairs. "So, this is where your headquarters are. Where is my desk?"

"Ummm, what are you talking about?" exclaimed Agent Huxx, puzzled. "What do you mean 'where is my desk?'"

"Special Agents, Huxx, Etta," told Agent Berslin, standing right next to Leeana. "This is our newest member of Invictus. Special Agent Abigale Leeana. Agent Leeana, this is Special Agents, Joshua Huxx, blonde and arrogant. And this is agent Fennelipy Etta, dark haired and skinny."

"Thank you for the introduction, Agent Berslin, handsome young fella. So, what does 'Invictus' stand for?" 

"I got this boss," smirked Agent Huxx, walking in front of Leeana. "It means, Abigale Leeana that we have never been able to unsolve a case."

"Well, actually, last year when-" started Etta.

"Zip it!" scolded Huxx. "Another day."

"Mind these brats for a moment," sputtered Berslin. "Etta here is an expert at binary. Huxx other there is an expert at-"

"Creating and going through software," interrupted Huxx.

"Everyone is good at hacking. Leeana is a good sketch artist, photographer, and has a good memory."

"Photographic to be specific," corrected Leeana. "During my job here I might know more about all you guys." Leeana winked at Huxx.

"Can I request a transf-"


Agent Huxx walked over to Leeana's desk which was right next to Agent Etta's desk. "Why are you a photographer if you have a photographic memory?"

"For a cover, Agent Huxx. No one will believe a word she says, so why not take real pictures?" shot Agent Berslin. "Now, find out more on this women!" The phone rung on Berslin's desk. "Hello?... Ok..." Then Berslin hung up. "Grab your gear! We'ere going to the crime scene!"

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