02. Autopsy

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"Why exactly are you here?" wondered Agent Leeana, to Huxx, while in the back seat of a truck. "What made you join Invictus in the first place?"

"Reasons," scoffed Huxx stubbornly.

"You know," said Berslin, "Huxx has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and fears. Well, those and being a Jr detective."

"Like what boss?"

"Gynophobia," stated Berslin. "You always didn't want to talk to them. Your lame excuse of 'Let Etta do it'" and stuff like that."

"Only some, - I'm not fear-" 

"We're here!" shouted Berslin above Huxx's voice. "No more talking! We are in the middle of nowhere, with a creepy looking building right by us. So we have scouting to do! Agent Leeana, take photos of our victim. Etta and Huxx, place innovated evidence identification marker around the perimeter, and I will talk with the directer of the CIA!"

There laid the body of the old women. Half of her face was covered in blood, while the other half was covered in dirt. The clothes were ripped and torn with blood, while the body had slightly decomposed.

Agent Leeana took pictures of the old women, while Agent Berslin talked with the directer of the CIA. "What do you exactly do here?" questioned Agent Leeana to Huxx. "What if you want to preform an autopsy? You don't have a room in your little building?"

"We use the CIA's autopsy room." replied Huxx. "Which is two miles away from our headquarters. Did you get all of the pictures?"

"Yea, I think so..."

Just then the coroners came out from a the CIA van, with a black sheet under one of their arms. "Excuse me," said one of them, to Leeana. "We have to bring this back to the autopsy room, so Doctor Roe can look at this." The coroners put the bag over and under the victim. Then sealed the zipper shut and put it into the van. Then began drove away.

"Do we follow them?" asked Leeana, confused on what to do next, since they didn't have a body.

"We wait until Agent Berslin tells us to," responded Etta, barging in the conversation. "Then we follow the van to the CIA headquarters and wait until the x rays are done. Then the doctor will tells us what happened."

"In the truck, now!" demanded Agent Berslin, walking to the truck. "The coroners have already gotten a five minute head start. Huxx get those identification markers! Turns out we don't need them!" All three agents and Huxx got into the truck and followed the van. 

The van stopped right in front of a security guard. There was a slight pause, but then the van went straight. "Hey Agent Berslin!" said the guard, thrilled. "Welcome back!" The guard lifted up the crossing arm to let the truck through.

 "So, where is the autopsy room?" asked Leeana, curious as all four of them stepped out of the truck and into the building. "Is it like, negative a million degrees or something?"

The CIA building was white and grey with seamless windows. It had 5 floors. One on the main floor, three above the main floor, and one in the basement.

"Haven't you ever been into a autopsy room before?" asked Huxx. "I mean, you are an agent who just got transferred."

"I never got to be in autopsy. I was the one who had to work at the my desk for hours, while the 'professionals' got to be downstairs." The four agents went to the elevator and pressed number one.

After the elevator door opened, agent Berslin took a right. "Hey boss," yelled Huxx. The autopsy room is this way." Huxx pointed to the left.

"I know, agent Huxx. I will be right there. Etta come with me. You two can go on without me."

"Do you know exactly what he is doing?" inquired Leeana.

"To be honest, I have no idea. Well, come on, autopsy is this way." 

"What is your relationship status?"

"That is classified. Besides, I just met you. I don't know you that much, you could be a murderer for all I know."

"What? A murderer? How would I be a murderer?"

"You ask me. Every single cop show has a under cover agent working for the opposing side."

"Well, Agent Huxx, I am one-hundred percent sure that this real life. I don't think a little DVD could tell us what's going to happen next."

"Over here." Agent Huxx and Leeana walked into a small room filled with metal compartments on the wall, and a body right in the middle of the room, laying on a metal slab.

"Who might I ask is this?" wondered a doctor, standing right next to the body, looking at Leeana.

"This is Special Agent Leeana. She transferred here today," clarified Agent Huxx.

"And I thought you were the beginner," said the doctor. "Anyway, called me Doctor Roe please."

"Sure thing, Doctor Roe," said Leeana sincerely. "I have never been in an autopsy before. What exactly do you do here?"

"We look at body's of course. Now where is Agent Berslin? I cannot start without him."

"I'm here doctor." Agent Berslin, along with Etta walked into the small autopsy room. "What do we have here?"

"Well, the x rays haven't been taken yet, but... You see here, a white lining around the neck. It was most likely from some sort of hand that strangled her. But strangulation wasn't what killed her, Enzo. It was blood force trauma to the head that killed her. It was an inanimate object, perhaps a metal piece of some sort that hit her into the Occipital Lobe, and Frontal Lobe. There was a bruise on the outside of her head, that most likely damaged her brain, and killed her. The strangulation was probably to make she she was dead. "

"Do we have a finger print match?" pleaded Berslin.

"We do not. It is strange, Enzo. We took her finger print, but it doesn't show any record of her. it's like she never exists. We have some of her DNA, so we should find a match there. And another thing, Enzo." Doctor Roe pointed at the woman's neck. "The marks on this neck, from the looks of it isn't from a real person because it's a bit to big. I think it's from a monster."

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