05. Overriden

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Agent Leeana walked next to the passenger side of the car. "Looks like one shot to the chest. And... Look!" Agent Leeana pointed to a note by the body.

"Put it in this bag," said Agent Huxx, handing over a latex glove and an evidence bag.

"This isn't are case, it's the CIA's."

"Well, the CIA can look at the body, but we have the number one piece of evidence. We can solve this case without the CIA,  we are that good!"

"Don't brag. Tell me what happened back last year, you couldn't solve a case?" Agent Leeana put on the latex glove and opened the passenger side of the door. Then grabbed the piece of paper and put it into the evidence bag.

"Let's go! I don't want us to be caught!" Agent Huxx ran for the truck. Agent Leeana shut the car door and followed Agent Huxx.

Once Leeana and Huxx got into the car, they heard sirens off in the distance. "There weren't any security cameras? Right?" asked Leeana.

"Well, the park does have security cameras, but we were in the more sketchy part so most likely there weren't any."

"Okay, great. I didn't want us to get caught taking a piece of evidence on a case we aren't involved in."

"Well, we are working on this case," said Huxx. "The CIA doesn't know that, but we are working on it whether or not they say we are. We still have to be unconquered." They pulled into the Invictus parking lot and got out. Agent Berslin was at the main entrance, waiting for them.

"Well?" asked Berslin. "Did you find anything?"

"Yes boss," said Agent Huxx. "Charles Wilkins is dead." Agent Berslin was speechless.

"Our lead witness is dead? How? Why?"

"Well, we did see a black SUV leave the crime scene, and a young women screaming," said Agent Leeana. 

"Yes, but we don't know what the license plate number, huh?" said Agent Huxx sarcastically.

"Well, I know what it was..." said Leeana. "Remember I'm the one with the photographic memory."

"Tell me," said Berslin. "This could be the break we were looking for!"

"Please, Agent Berslin. We would want to be polite now, would we?"

"I don't care. Tell me Agent Leeana."

"So, we know that it's a black SUV. The licenses plate may have been counterfeit."

"What is the plate number?" asked Berslin, annoyed.

"YT984EFG," said Leeana. "I could see if I could find out who owns the car and where the person lives?"

"Agent Leeana, do that. Agent Huxx, ask Agent Etta to hack the CIA again and find out if they have found Charles Wilkins body yet. I will look through files and see who was Charles Wilkins friends and family are." The three agents walked upstairs to the main headquarters. There was Agent Etta waiting for them. 

"Well," said Agent Etta. "Find anything interesting?"

"Charles Wilkins is dead," said Agent Berslin, walking right pass Agent Etta.

"Dead?" asked Etta horribly surprised. "What happened?"

"Ask Huxx or Leeana," said Agent Berslin, now sitting at his desk looking through relatives of Charles Wilkins. "There has to be some sort of evidence telling us who the murderer is."

"The boss wants you to hack the CIA again," said Agent Huxx, at his desk. 

"I just did, awhile ago. They found some sort of metal shrapnel in the neck of the Jane Doe. It was weird, it doesn't seem to belong to anyone, more like a glove or something. But then it begs the question, why would someone where a metal glove and what for?"

"Good job, Etta," said Berslin. "All we have to do is find a connection between Charles and someone else-"

"Sir, we have a breach!" shouted someone from the headquarters. "Someone is trying yo hack into out database!" Agent Berslin got up and walked to the big screen up in the corner. "There seems to be someone who is working on this so fast."

"I can't trace the algorithm!" shouted Agent Etta. "Whoever this is, is going way to fast! He is trying to deleted all of our data! I don't know if we can stop him!" Everyone in the upper floor of the Invictus building rushed everywhere thinking that their lives are now doomed. "Agent Berslin, there is no possible way to control this! We have to let him deleted everything so we can go up and running again. Please figure out something." 

"I will," said Agent Berslin. "Just calm down, Agent Etta. This person will not hack into our program. This is way to protected." Then Agent Berslin came up with an idea. "Etta and Leeana, come with me, no questions asked. Agent Huxx, calm everyone down!"

"But, boss!"

"Thank you." Berslin, Leeana, and Etta went downstairs. The secretary ran with her papers this way and that. The three agents turned to a long hallway.

"Has this ever happened?" asked Leeana. "Where are we even going? By the time we get whatever we are doing, it won't stop the fact that very soon all of our evidence will be gone because of someone who doesn't want us on this case!"

"This is no ordinary hacker, Leeana. No one can just hack into Invictus' headquarters. This person must have some sort of powerful skill. Etta, where is the server room?"

"This door," said Etta, pointing at a sign that said 'Server Room'. "Your welcome." Agent Berslin looked around the dark room. 

"Since when did we have all of these?" asked Berslin.

"Since I joined the team boss," said Etta. "I helped set all of these up. What exactly are you looking for?"

"Where is the outlet that controls all of these servers?" Berslin looked around, but all he saw was boxes of black things with lights flashing uncontrollably. 

"It's over there boss," said Etta, pointing at a box on the wall that said 'Main Outlet Do Not Pull'. "Why are you wondering? If you pull that, you could get a risk that everything will be erased forever. Event the beginning of starting Invictus."

"What does that mean," asked Leeana.

"It means..." said Berslin. Berslin opened the small box door and unplugged everything. The lights turned off and everything went dark. "...Hopefully everything will now work."

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!!?" shouted Etta at the top of her lungs. "You could have cost Invictus millions of dollars if our computers lost everything!"

"Well, it's better than someone hacking into our system and stealing everything we have!" shouted Berslin, back.

"Even that would have been better," screamed Etta, frustrated. "You better hope for the best! Or else!" Agent Etta tried to run to the door, but crashed into servers on the way. Once she opened the door, there was light. "You better hope this works!" Agent Etta sprinted back down the hall and up the stairs.

"Why did you do that?" asked Leeana.

"You will find out," said Berslin. "I didn't start this team for nothing. I myself know some skills and techniques that the other two doesn't know yet." Agent Berslin and Leeana went out of the server room and up the stairs.

"It worked!" shouted Agent Etta, so happy. "Everything is backed to normal! Wait... What's this? It says in the rebooting history that... an IP address has been found from an anonymous person two minutes ago! I CAN TRACE THIS AND WE WILL HAVE THE HACKER!!!"

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