04. Again

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"Good, now you know how to hack the CIA's files. Some files may be encrypted," Agent Huxx patted Leeana on the back. "And right now, we don't have the time to teach you. We need more information on this Jane Doe. There shouldn't be a firewall for that because that's not classified information. Here, let me do it." Agent Leeana put her hands up, and she stepped aside to let Agent Huxx try to find the file for the Jane Doe.

"Got something!" 

"What do you have? Agent Huxx?"

"So, remember the time when Agent Etta told us about the CIA interrogation the salesman?"

"Yes? So?" said Agent Etta.

"Well, they have the interrogation on file and recorded."

"Yes? I know they do. They always record the interrogation."

"This one took about 20 minutes. It's a bit more than 'I just happened to find a body right in the middle of nowhere,' right?"

"Play it!" demanded Berslin. Agent Huxx started to play the recording.

"Why is there no sound?" questioned Agent Leeana.

"I don't know," piped Agent Huxx, confused. "Something is not right." Agent Leeana looked over Huxx's shoulders.

"He looks nervous," quoted Leeana. "He is fidgeting with his hands."

"There's more to this than meets the eye," said Berslin. "He is not telling the truth! Find out where he is, now!"

"On it," said all three agents. 

"Finding face recognition now," declared Agent Etta. "Found a match! A Mr. Charles Wilkins. Wait... that's not right. The address for him says that he lives at the... Golden Gate Park!"

"Agents Huxx and Leeana, come with me!" demanded Berslin, grabbing his jacket. "Etta, stay here and text or call me on what else you find out. Agent Leeana, here is your gun and badge." Berslin handed Leeana the gun and badge. "Don't lose it, you may need it."

"I know how to use it," pondered Leeana. "I'm from the FBI."

"Yeah, who has never seen an autopsy," laughed Agent Huxx.

"Shut up!" shouted Leeana.

The agents went down to the main floor and went out the exit. "Catch!" said Agent Berslin. "Agent Huxx, your driving." 

"Wait, what? I don't know where we are going?"

"Figure it out! I'm not coming with you guys on this one. I have some other things I have to take care of before I work more on this case. I will tell Agent Etta to call you guys if she has any important information." 

Agent Huxx and Leeana went out to the truck, with no questions asked. They couldn't believe what they heard from Agent Berslin. What else could he be working on? "You know," said Agent Huxx. "I think I know why Berslin is acting so weird. I think It's because there is a new directer for the CIA. If I recall right, the former directer died. They weren't just partners, they were also the best of friends."

"That would probably explain why we got kicked out on the CIA's 'land' sort of speak. The best thing we could do is help the poor man."

"The best thing to do is to leave him alone. He needs to think, put everything back together."

Then the phone started to ring. "Oh, I got it," said Agent Leeana, grabbing the phone out of her black backpack.

"No, I got it. Why do you have all these pieces of junk in your backpack. Nobody needs duck-tape or a camera. Oh, got it. Hello...?"

"Well, I'm always prepared for anything." Agent Leeana sat back on seat, while Agent Huxx was on the phone with someone. Agent Leeana looked at the bright blue sky above her. Oh, how she missed the warm summer in Florida all before she got transferred to the big city of San Francisco. Agent Leeana started to fall asleep.

"Wake up! We have a break in the case! A black Honda Civic was spotted just outside of Golden Gate Park! With Charles Wilkins in it! We have to hurry, if we want to catch him!" Agent Huxx pushed down on the pedal and turned on the sirens. "This could be our biggest case, solved, without the CIA's help! Charles will have no option but to tell us how he found the body, and if he saw who did it."

"Are all of these cases this exciting?" asked Agent Leeana, wide awake. "This seems actually fun. In Florida, where I was before I got to California, we did the most boring stuff back at FBI headquarters. I had to sit around a desk. Didn't really do any of the 'real' investigation. Just the coffee and 'file clerk.'"

"Wait, so you didn't really work for the FBI?"

"Well, no. I never had a badge that could get me into places, only a gun, that I used if I was in a dire situation."

"We are here! We will talk about this later." Agent Huxx stomped on the brakes and into the parking lot. "You are bringing that backpack with you?" murmured Huxx, not excited about that decision.

"I always bring it. Got a problem with that?"

"Well, if we need to make a run for-" There a women screamed out in the distance. Agent Huxx and Leeana bolted out of the truck and ran to where the scream was. There it was, a long dark alley way leading to where to scream came through. Agent Leeana and Huxx got there gun down by their side, at the ready. "Lady's first."

"Oh, well, how kind of you," said Agent Leeana sarcastically. Agent Leeana tip toed in the front, gun up in front of her. Their feet crumpled with the dead leaves on the cement ground. "Do you think there here?" whispered Agent Leeana. Just then something toppled over. Agent Leeana reacted and pointed the gun toward the shadow. 

"It's just a cat," said Agent Huxx, putting his gun slowly down by his side. "An ugly cat." Then there was a gun shot somewhere outside the alley way. Agent Leeana and Huxx ran out of alley and saw a black SUV turning around in the corner. "Go! Go to the truck!" demanded Agent Huxx. Agent Leeana and Huxx sprinted very fast as if running for their lives. 

"NOO! They're too far away," shouted Agent Huxx very loudly, while punching the truck door until it got dented. 

"Uh, Agent Huxx?" 


"Look." Leeana pointed in a direction. Agent Huxx looked over to where she was pointing. There was Charles Wilkins in his black Honda Civic, dead.

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