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Tyler sat at the end of his bed, playing with the pretty blue corsage that Jenna should have been wearing right now. He exhaled deeply, dropping it on the floor along with his suit and jacket. The boy was left in a pair of spider-man pajama pants and a white t-shirt.

He looked up when he heard the sound of Josh knocking lightly at Tyler's bedroom window. The brunet slowly stood up and opened the window allowing his friend to crawl through.

"You're not at prom." Josh observed.

Tyler nodded with his eyes still focused at the floor. "Jenna's sick."

"Is she pregnant?" Josh joked.

"No!" tyler blushed. "We've never even done- t-that."

"Never?" Josh raised an eyebrow, causing Tyler's cheeks to burn.

"C'mon, bub." Josh held his hand out to the smaller boy. "Got something to show ya."

Josh had Tyler's eyes covered with his hands and guided the boy up the stairs and into Josh's bedroom. Tyler hadn't stopped whining about hating surprises. Josh tuned him out.

Josh removed his hands from Ty's face without saying a word. Tyler slowly opened his eyes again, gasping loudly.

"It's shitty that you didn't get to go, so." Josh shrugged.

Tyler scanned Josh's small bedroom, which was now covered in fairy lights, colorful balloons and sparkly confetti.

"I-I'm-" tyler struggled to find the right words, causing Josh to blush a bit.

"What is it, bub?"

Tyler didn't say anything.

Josh's smile fell. "You don't like it?"

"N-no! No– I mean, yes– I love it, Josh. I love it so much. But- I mean, we're- we're both guys, you know? And-"

"But... you like it?" Josh pushed.


"Then who cares?"

Tyler slowly nodded in agreement. Josh grinned brightly before he walked to the other side of his room and flipped though his collection of vinyls. He placed an older one that Tyler didn't recognize on the record player.

"Dance with me."

Tyler's hands hesitantly found their way to Josh's shoulders, and Josh's quickly found their place on Tyler's waist. Josh twirled Ty around, even lifting him up with a spin, causing an eruption of giggles from both of their lips.

"This music is ancient." Tyler giggled.

"But I like it." Josh smiled. "So who cares."

"This is the nicest thing that anybody has ever done for me, J." Tyler mumbled.

"You deserve it." The taller boy replied easily.

The two swayed together silently for a moment, Tyler's head against Josh's chest.


Josh hummed in response.

"Why didn't you go to prom?"

"S'not really my thing." The pink haired boy shrugged.

"But then why did you do all of this?"

"For you, bub."

The boys had stopped dancing, but their hands were still in place on each other's bodies.

"I just want you to be happy, ya know? You– you just deserve so much more. And I– I just–" Josh sighed. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Tyler's. After a moment, Josh slowly pulled Tyler's small body closer to his own, connecting their lips.

Tyler kissed back instantly. He knew it was wrong, but Josh's words echoed in the back of his mind; if you like it, who cares?

Josh pulled away first, dragging his hands down his face.

"Fuck. Tyler. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. You- you have a girlfriend."

"Yeah." Tyler spoke quietly.

"Let's just, uh. Let's get you to bed, yeah?"

"Yeah." Tyler whispered again.

Josh walked Tyler back to his house and left again without a word. Tyler curled up into a ball in his sheets, crying into his pillow.

"Boys don't kiss boys." Blurry commented from his spot in the windowsill. Tyler squeezed his eyes shut and covered his ears, trying to forget everything that had just happened.

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