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  "Our Father, which art in Heaven. Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory. Forever and ever, amen."

The service is concludes with the same monotonous prayer as always, the crowd erupting into a chorus of amens. Pastor Charles, my father, exits off the stage to shake hands with the church's elders as the elders' wives flock to me. This is the only interesting part of tedious Sundays since it's new for me. My mother would usually be the one talking to the wrinkled women about their agendas and gossip, but she's somewhere in the mountains with her younger lover - a secret my family keeps well under wraps as to not ruin the 'perfect' image they maintain. As far as the community is concerned, she's caring for her sick great-aunt in a different state.

"Hello, Audrey!" Petunia, a gray-haired woman with overdrawn red lip liner, greets. Gloria, another elders' wife with black hair and olive skin, and Jackie, who has fiery red hair and wears bright green eyeshadow, also bids their hellos.

"Hi, ladies." I smile, "How are you?"

"Terrible!" The over-dramatic Miss Jackie sighs with a hand over her heart, "I have received the worst news possible!"

Gloria gasps, "Is it something to do with John's health?"


"Is it something to do with your health?" Petunia asks, much calmer than both her friends.

"Don't be ridiculous," Jackie waves her off, "I'm as healthy as a horse!"

"Then what is it?" Gloria asks.

"My grand-daughter, Lanette, is come to stay with John and I for the summer." Jackie places her hand to her forehead. "Her mother wants us to get the poor, misguided girl into church since she doesn't have the money to get Lanette into therapy."

"What's wrong with her?" I ask, placing a hand onto Jackie's back as a form of comfort.

"The girl is seventeen going on twenty-three. Her mother called me the other day sobbing into the phone about Lanette's behavior. Apparently, she has a drinking problem." The woman sighs once more as Gloria hugs her. "I don't know if I can do this."

"Of course you can." Gloria hugs Jackie a little tighter, "You have us."

"We'll pray for you," Petunia chimes in, placing a hand onto the distressed lady's shoulder. "Anything you need, we're only up the road. Little Audrey here can also help out. You're seventeen, right?"

"Seventeen in a month." I reply hesitantly.

"See? I can already see the friendship blossoming!" Petunia exclaims with a pat to my back. I don't have the heart to deny it. Seeing the relief in Jackie's round, brown eyes as she desperately looks at me for confirmation is enough to have me nodding as if I'm a bobblehead. The girl's already-foul reputation may not be ideal for my image but I also can't refuse helping an elders' wife.

"Thank God for good girls like you, Audrey." Jackie cracks a relieved smile as she wraps her long, skinny arms around my neck. "You're a God-send."

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