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  "Enjoy yourself," Jackie bid Lanette goodbye from the doorway of the house as we walk down the driveway towards my battered, golden-colored car. Lanette says nothing, only holding up her hand in sign of acknowledgement towards her grandmother.

  "Have a nice evening, Miss Jackie." I smile at the woman, waving before Lanette and I slip into my car. I tug on my seat belt while the blonde searches for a better radio station. "What?" I chuckle as she settles on KISSFM, a popular station in the South, "Is Christian Rock not good enough for you?"

  "Christian and rock should never be in the same sentence," Lanette tosses back a strand of her hair, "Let alone considered a genre."

  I placed a hand to my chest, feigning hurt. "It's amazing though. It's equal amounts Godly and guitar solos."

  She chuckles, shaking her head while looking down. "You religious people are something else, you know that?"

  "Are you not religious?" I ask while pulling out of her driveway to begin the drive to the church. It's Wednesday, also known as Youth Night at the church. Since most of what is considered the youth that would actually give up their last evening of the weekend is younger than I am - besides Lydia, one of my good friends, and Peter, who is in charge of technology during praise - I typically lead youth service to save my father time and money.

  "Not really, no." She admits, "At one point in my life, I believed. I believed that there was something out there, something bigger than this wasted Earth.

  Around fourteen or fifteen, I thought God had left me. Some rather...rough shit had happened. I thought He was some all-mighty, all-powerful being that wouldn't allow such utter bullshit to happen to me since I was doing everything by the book, but it did."

  "Lanette," I sigh, not even knowing where to begin, "I need you to do me a favor, alright?" The girl hesitantly nods in acceptance. "Go into tonight with an open heart. Just...please. I said I wouldn't change you and I'm not expecting to, but I know in my heart that He will."

  "...Okay." She musters, her gaze retreating to her lap, symbolizing that the discussion is done.


  After another five minutes of agonizing silence between Lanette and I, we arrive at the church.

  "There's hardly anyone here," Lanette observes.

  "It doesn't start until six. Me, Lydia and Peter usually arrive around five-thirty to prepare." I explain, grabbing my backpack and locking my car as we head inside the brick building. I lead her up the staircase, unlocking the gates located at the top and bottom of the stairs which are meant to prevent the toddlers from falling. "This is it, welcome to the youth room." I open one of the many doors, revealing a medium-sized room with a stage, a few chairs, a white long table against the wall and a soundboard towards the back. It's very basic, but most of the money the church receives goes towards the sanctuary, nursery and adult classes. I've complained about it to my father a few times, but have been shot down each time.

  "Cute," Lanette says, clearly unimpressed.

  "It's not," I agree with what her tone implies, her brows lifting in surprise at the words. "C'mon," I lead her into the room and motion for her to take a seat. I set my book bag in a chair next to her and pull out a few wads of paper and my purple Bible before setting them out on the podium on stage.

  "Are you planning on being like your dad?" Lanette asks.

  "A pastor?" I ask for clarification, "No. I'm planning on going to college somewhere in the north for nursing."

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