|| THREE ||

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  "Hey, Audrey." Lanette smiles once I open the door. I'm clad in a pair of Nike shorts and a white tank top, not expecting anyone to visit me on at ten o'clock Friday night. I also haven't seen Lanette since Wednesday, making her surprise visit even more unexpected.

"Um, hey," I greet, my hand strumming through my mess of tangled locks. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you."

My cheeks instantly flare up as I stare at the girl clad in dark denim jeans, a black teeshirt with 'FREE' sprawled across the front in purple, and black flip flops. "Why?" I muster.

She shrugs, "Grab your shoes. I have John's truck for the night." She swings a set of keys around her index finger once before catching them in her palm.

"Um," I nod hesitantly, "Okay."

I disappear inside for a moment to retrieve my black birkenstocks and tug on one of my dark gray softball sweatshirts that has my last name, Hanson, printed across the back above the number twelve. I grab my phone and keys before slipping back outside and locking the door.

"Did you tell your dad that you're going out?" Lanette asks as we walk towards John's battered, green truck.

"He's out of town for the weekend. A few pastors around the area decided to hold a convention a few towns over." I explain as we climb inside the two-seat vehicle. "So, where are we going?"

  "This girl, Topaz, invited me to a party." Lanette replies, pulling out of my driveway.

  "Did you not hear me when I told you that I'm supposed to uphold a pretty reputation?" I raise an eyebrow at the girl, "I can't go to a party, Lanette."

"Weren't you the one that told me to stop being afraid? I think that advice can also be used here. You can't keep living in fear of what other people will say or think about you. Live a little." Her red lips turn up into a smirk as she glances over at me, her green eyes glinting with danger and warning signs that I ignore. I focus on her penetrating gaze and how her red lips are closer than ever before and right there - then I snap myself out of these...very, very odd thoughts and turn my attention to the road.

  I peek back over at the driving girl, her attention rightfully on the road, one hand on the wheel, the other resting in her lap. I twist my fingers around my cross necklace, knowing this feeling in my chest whenever I look at the adventurous girl next to me was not normal. Hell, I've only hung around her twice. Certainly labeled not normal.

  "Quit thinking about it." I look at Lanette with horrified eyes, wondering if I had voiced my concerns out lout. "The party will be fine, I'll make sure of it."

  Oh, that. Thank God.

  "We're almost there." Lanette says, looking down at her phone to ensure we're on the right route.

  "If I would've known we were going to a party I would've wore something more...I don't know - party-ish."

  "Looking to impress someone?" Lanette chuckles, "It's casual. Besides, you look beautiful in whatever you're in-" cue my cheeks igniting in flames, "-so no worries. I wouldn't let you be seen with me if you looked like a hobo."

  "How reassuring." I sarcastically muster, noticing the beat of loud music and the faint hue of lights in the distance. "Lan-"

The Preacher's Daughter (GxG/LESBIAN)Where stories live. Discover now