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i got into the passengers seat and fastened my seat belt. i gave him the directions to his apartment flat, it took us around fifteen minutes to get there only because jackson was speeding like a madman.

when we finally arrived we went up to the flat door. i was about to put my hand on the handle when jackson stopped me, he took me back.

"do you know what you're going to say? we don't even know if they're going to be in." he made a good point. i had no idea what i was going to say. and if she wasn't there, which i think she would be, that would be embarrassing. i only thought about what i was going to say for a few seconds.

yongguk's door was unlocked as usual, i'm surprised he hasn't gotten robbed yet. when i opened the door handle it opened into the hall of apartment. no one came like i expected.

"yongguk where are you? where's carina?!" i began shouting into the hall. still no one answered.

"i know you can hear me you prick!"

"let's just go there's no one here maybe he went out with carina." he was probably creeped out by what else could i do?

jackson turned around to go walk back to his car when i heard a pot hit off the ground. his head turned round and looked at me questionably. i didn't waste anytime, i walked straight into the flat. the noise came from the end of the hall which was the kitchen. i ran down hall, as soon as i came into the kitchen i saw carina on the floor next to the fridge.

"oh my god carina thank god you're okay!" i tried hugging her but he face look petrified, before i could ask her finger pointed to something behind me.  i turned around and saw yongguk standing behind the kitchen door. he had a smile on his face, he had a baseball bat in his left hand.

"you know, i thought you learned from the first time to mind your own fucking business for once!" he swing the baseball, he was meant to be aiming at my face but instead i ducked just in time. carina began screaming for him to stop but he wasn't going to listen.

just then jackson came rushing in, he attached yongguk from behind. yongguk manager to shake him off and hit him on the side of his stomach. he ducked down, groaning in pain. i saw the pot that had fallen just moments earlier. i grabbed it and hit him on the back of the head. he fell to the ground.

i let the pot go out of my hand, i helped jackson up and he had his arm around me. carina stood up and we all left the flat.

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