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oh no not again. how could i lose her again? i couldn't, this is all my fault i shouldn't have left her all alone again. i knew what happened last time, how could i be so selfish?

i quickly got dressed and towel dried my hair, it was still wet but i didn't have enough time to dry my thick hair, it would take forever. as i was trying to make sense of things my phone began to ring. i literally jumped when i realised it could be carina, but when i picked it up it said no caller id.


"hey baby long time no see." i recognised that korean accent anywhere. mainly because he was the only korean person i knew.

"what do you want?!" my heart began to sink slowly as it dawned on me – he probably had carina.

"well i want to see you, that is if you want carina back. meet me at the cemetery if you want her back. don't bring your mobile, and also if you tell ANYONE you're not getting her back."

the line went dead.

the afternoon was particularly gloomy, the sun was shielded away and in front of it was dark unmoving clouds. i pulled my thick coat closer to my chest to try and get some warmth. looking around to see if anyone else was around but there was literally no body except from myself.

the silence of the cemetery harsh,like the bodies beyond the graves wanted to speak. i never really felt anything when i come here, the idea of zombies or ghosts creeping up from beyond the grave made me laugh slightly.

it been nearly an hour and he still hadn't arrived. i couldn't stand the anticipation, i hated this. my legs were beginning to cramp as i have been standing non stop, i looked around and saw a nearby long tree to sit at.

i sat and continuously checked my watch for ten minutes. "come on, where is he?" my knee began bouncing up and down almost uncontrollably – my nerves were getting to me.

"right here baby girl." i turned my head and then something hit me.

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