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i couldn't stop thinking about his arms around my waist. his rough hands felt big on my me, this isn't something i'm used too but i wish i was. he probably thinks i'm a weirdo now.

all of a sudden jackson pulled the car up to the gas station, he went out and filled his car.

"so how do you feel about jackson? he's cute." she took off her seat belt and sat forward. a smile was playing on her face.

"i don't know he's nice i suppose." this was starting so get awkward, i've never spoken to her about a boy.

she looked like she was about to say something but then she looked ahead and saw jackson coming towards us. carina sat back into her seat.

the rest of the car journey was silent. all of it was just awkward coughs and just plain silence. i was relieved when we got to the campus, i don't know if what happened this morning was awkward or the fact that me and jackson didn't know what to say to carina. 

when we got out the car we both thanked jackson, we went back to our dorm room and carina began to get ready for a shower.

"he's hot don't you think?" she said grabbing her towel out of her wardrobe.

i didn't say anything. i couldn't help but feel weirded out. this is such a childish thing for me to overthink about.

so instead i didn't say anything. carina went for her shower and i just lay in bed staring at the ceiling. i was thinking about jackson but then i remembered yongguk's unconscious body on the floor of his kitchen apartment.

why hasn't he came looking for us yet? maybe he was dead. i wish he was, i won't regret it if he was dead since he did deserve it.

i wanted to know why he wasn't here, ready to kill me for hitting him with a pot and knocking him unconscious. i hoped he had moved on and left carina alone but i don't think that's possible.

IN FOR IT.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora