Part One: Chapter Nine

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Howdy gang! It's Scarlet here! Thanks for reading our little novel, I hope you're all enjoying it so far!

I have some great news!! @MrRedHat might be available to write the WHOLE of chapter ten. Yes, not just edit it, write the whole gosh darn thing! How exciting is that!! *screams* so yeah! that's all for now. Maybe we'll see you soon! (Or not, we're pretty lazy uploaders).


After the first hour passed them by with little to note, even Sherlock could admit that it was a boring job. Very, very boring. However he was not about to admit it to John. John could be seen scuffing his shoes and whistling softly to try and past the time. Thus far, no one of importance had passed through the doors. All were students, and unless working with John's theory of having a key cut, none of them were the culprit. Sherlock found his attention drifting, no matter how hard he tried to stay focused on the coming and goings.

A high, female voice sharply returned his attention back to earth. "Hi Sherlock. What are you doing here?"

He looked up and saw a girl, about his age, with mousy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and murky brown eyes. She wore a bit too much makeup and it was poorly applied. Trying to impress someone. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Definitely won't succeed. The expectant look she gave him suggested that she knew him, yet he hadn't the faintest idea who she was. He blinked. "Do I know you?"

She laughed. The kind of fake, nervous laugh you use when you can't tell if someone's joking or not. "It's me, silly. Molly."

Sherlock did a double take. "But ... How?" he asked, seeming to be at a loss for words. "What happened to your braces?"

She smiled, revealing perfectly aligned teeth. "I had them out over the break."

"And your glasses?"

"I bought contact lenses."

"And the monobrow?"

She cleared her throat, "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"We're here on a stakeout," chimed John, much to Sherlock's annoyance.

"John, when on a stakeout, it's important to not let any potential suspects know that you're on a stakeout," he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, this is about the burglaries," Molly said slowly as she made the connection. She giggled and Sherlock fought the urge to outwardly cringe. "You're so funny Sherlock, imagine, me as a suspect!"

Sherlock frowned. Why on earth would she think she wasn't a suspect? He opened his mouth to set things straight when John cut in, "I don't believe we've met. John Watson." He stepped across and offered her his hand.

Molly looked a little surprised, but took his hand and shook it. "Molly Hooper. I've been at school with Sherlock for seven years," she informed him.

"I met him last week. I'm his roommate."

Something about John's voice when he said 'roommate' made Sherlock draw a small, sharp breath. It sounded... warm and friendly. Not full of contempt like every other person that had ever been his roommate. It made him uncomfortable. It was distracting. No more distractions.

Sherlock cleared his throat. "Well, for now."

John looked a little hurt. Perhaps he'd forgotten his pledge to get out of the room. Sherlock had seen the forms on John's bed. He continued scanning the crowd moving through the door, not looking at John. It didn't matter. This was a temporary alliance. No more.

John turned back to Molly. "So this is your dorm?"

She smiled at him, "Yes, I actually live nearby, but my parents are both forensic scientists so they thought it would be easier for their work if I stayed at school." Her voice became a little subdued as she finished speaking. Sherlock tilted his head, considering. He'd always held Molly's parents in high regard. They were practical, analytical and never seemed to mind when on the occasions of 'Bring your parent to school' day, he would spend hours investigating their field of work.

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