Part One: Chapter Ten

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Howdy y'all! It's Scarlet again! May I just say, HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS! The last time updated we had 10,000 reads. What happened!? Where did you all come from?! And thank you so much for sticking with us!!! We love you guys to pieces!!

Now unfortunately, this chapter was not written by @MrRedHat as we said last chapter. Hopefully we'll get a chapter from her soon :P This year is pretty hectic for us both so thank you so much for sticking with us!


Amelia frowned as John followed Sherlock into the room. Her dorm room was set up in the exact same manner as their own, except it was just a little more...girly. Lacy curtains, large vanity, copious amounts of makeup, and weird hipster Instagram photos covering the far right wall. Another boy stood in the room next to Amelia, and judging from his gleaming green badge, he must be the Rat prefect.

"Alright everyone, this is Sherlock and John and they're here," said Greg briskly, hesitating over the last word.

"Yes, now, if you could all excuse me, I must examine the room," announced Sherlock, pulling on a pair of latex gloves and taking out a small magnifying lens. As he began to look about the room, the Rat prefect frowned. "Isn't that one of the lenses from the microscopes? That's been missing for ages!"

Sherlock looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Focus, Adam! We have a real criminal to catch!"

The boy, decidedly not Adam, glared at Sherlock but made no further comment as Sherlock continued sifting through Amelia's belonging.

"Um, sorry, but can he not do that?" asked Amelia, "Some of that's private..."

Sherlock rolled his eyes, continuing to search through the mess of papers on her desk. "Nothing here is really of high significance. I mean, it's not secret you're currently menstruating, you failed your last history test and that you have a crush on...someone called Greg? Never heard of him. Anyway, those things are plainly obvious, so I see no reason why you would worry about me finding further evidence."

Amelia blushed furiously, opening her mouth to say something undoubtedly nasty to Sherlock. John quickly stepped over and placed a hand on her arm. "Um, how about I ask you some questions outside while Sherlock does his...whatever he's doing."

She nodded and turned out of the room, trying to avoid looking at Greg, who had for some reason become very interested in the wallpaper.

Standing in the dimly lit corridor, Amelia looked at John expectantly. "Well, go on then," she prompted him. "Ask away."

"Ah, um, right," stammered John. He was not prepared for interviewing victims. Think, John, he told himself. What would they say on television?

"So, when did you last see the jewelry?" he asked.

"Like I told the prefects, the last I saw of them was the start of lunch. A bunch of my friends and I went to the shops, so I got a little dressed up before leaving, you know, in case I bumped into someone. Anyway, when I came back, I went to put away a different necklace and noticed the locket and earrings were missing. I thought you knew that?"

"Oh, yes, right, I did. Never mind. Um, does anyone else have a key to your dorm? Anyone that could have stolen them?"

Amelia shook her head. "Jenny does, she's my roommate. But she would never steal them! We're best friends," she explained.

John nodded, wishing he had a notepad or something to write this down. "Anyone that might have a motive for stealing them? Someone you had a fight with?"

Amelia shook her head again. "I suppose I had a fight with Rory, my ex. But there's no way that spineless wuss would steal from me. Besides, isn't this supposed to be a serial robbery? Motive specific to me wouldn't match for any of the others?"

John blushed, realising his obvious blunder. "Oh, you're right, sorry, um, hang on, let me think."

As they spoke, the door opened and Greg and the other prefect stepped out.

"We'll leave you boys to it," nodded Greg to John.

"Really? You didn't want to stay and 'supervise'?" asked John, who figured they were both here to miss out on class.

"Yeah, I'd rather be in class and be insulted by a teacher than have to put up with snide comments from him," remarked the Rat prefect, jerking a thumb towards the door.

John shrugged. "Fair enough."

The two older boys headed towards the exit together, leaving Amelia leaning against the wall, looking expectantly at John, while John tried to remember what a question was.

Mercifully, they were interrupted as the door swung open and Sherlock joined them in the corridor. "Now, I have a more important question for you," he said, with an arrogance that irritated John. How did he know John's questions hadn't been important too?

"How valuable were the stolen items?"

Amelia tilted her head in thought. "Well, the earrings cost my parents £200. They were for my sixteenth birthday," she explained. "And the locket..." Her eyes grew watery and she tried to hold back tears. "It was from my grandmother. It was silver plated."

Sherlock seemed rather bored, "So the locket itself was not worth very much. Just had sentimental value. Well, I suppose you could always ask your grandma to buy you another cheap piece of jewellery."

Amelia looked at him incredulously. "My grandmother died last year, you bastard."

John wanted throw himself through a window. Or punch Sherlock. The second was more appealing. How could the other boy be so clueless?

"We are so, so sorry, " apologised John. "We will get the jewellery back for you, we promise."

"That's a stupid thing to promise John," interrupted Sherlock. "While I am certain we will find the culprit, there's no guarantee they haven't already sold them on."

John was at a loss for words and stood stock still with his mouth hanging open, but it seemed Amelia decided actions spoke louder than words. She crossed the distance between them and brought her hand hard across Sherlock's face. As Sherlock staggered backwards, Amelia straightened up and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Thank you John," she said coolly. "I hope you do find them."

"We will," reassured John, still looking at Sherlock who was rubbing his reddening cheek. "Thanks for your help too."

She nodded and checked her watch. "I've got to go now. I'll see you around, John." She pulled out a key and after locking her dorm room, she turned on her heel and walked away, waving goodbye over her shoulder.

John turned to Sherlock incredulously. "Are you proud of yourself?"

Sherlock stood up, shaking his head. "I don't know what she meant about liking that Greg person. She was obviously attracted to me."

John's eyes bugged out of his head. "You must be joking."

Sherlock seemed confused. "Not at all. I mean, many girls find it difficult to resist me, so I don't blame her. Just a shame it would never work out."

John shook his head incredulously. "You really are an idiot," he said, starting out of the dormitory.

Sherlock followed, arguing earnestly, "You can't be serious! I'll have you know I have an IQ to rival Einstein!"


PS. THIS IS NOT WHOLOCK. If it was meant to be a Wholock, we would have said that instead/in addition to 'Johnlock'. We just like nerdy references, 'kay? 'Kay.


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