Part One: Chapter Eleven

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Hello there Ducklings and Minions!!
We are back with the latest in Dorm 221B! Thank you so much for sticking with us through our horribly slow updates. Maybe now that schools finished, we'll be better. (Probably not). So massive, massive thanks to everyone that is still reading, commenting and voting! We might not reply to every comment, but we read them all and they mean so much to hear your kind words, or in most cases make us laugh with all your sexual interpretations of our work. (We haven't even got to that bit yet!)
Now, please sit, back, relax, and enjoy yourself some Sherlocky goodness!

The brisk night air made John shiver and ask himself for the hundredth time why he was out here in the first place. Watch and mobile, he repeated to himself. I need my watch and mobile.
He sat on the steps of the Hedgehog dorm, waiting, and out of boredom began fiddling with the switch of his torch; making bizarre shadows appear on the wall of the opposing building.

"Turn that torch off, you fool," hissed a voice from behind him, making him start.
"Lord, Sherlock, don't sneak up on me like that!" he reproached the taller boy. Sherlock slunk out of the shadows and stood in front of John. Like John, Sherlock was dressed from head to toe in black, even a dark beanie from which a few stray curls escaped.
"So you checked with Mrs. Hudson that it was okay for us to leave the dorm?"
Sherlock tilted his head, "Well, she certainly won't be objecting to it."
"What's that supposed to mean? You did get her permission, right?" asked John, suddenly unsure.
"Not exactly," replied Sherlock, with a slightly guilty tone.
"What have you done?!" exclaimed John, suddenly frightened.
"Hush! Keep your voice down," hissed Sherlock. "Look, if you must know, I slipped one of my mum's sleeping pills into her coffee. I borrowed them last time I went home for the holidays. She'll be fast asleep for the next few hours, which gives us time for our stakeout, okay?"
"No, not okay!" protested John. "Definitely not okay!" Now they were the criminals. And they certainly looked the part too.
"Sherlock, if we're caught we'll be expelled. I can't be expelled in my first week!"
"Because that is of course, the worst possibility. Other outcomes, such as injury or even death just don't compare."
Sherlock smiled like he'd just made a witty remark and was expecting a laugh from John.
John stared at him. Was he trying to be funny?
Sherlock seemed confused. "Not good?"
"Bit not good," replied John sarcastically.
"Then crawl back to bed. I don't need you here. I'll just tell the thief that your watch wasn't valuable enough to warrant your retrieving it."
John glowered at him. "Fine, I'll come with you. But next time, you ask me before you go poisoning the matron!"
Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Come on, we're wasting time. We either have to catch the criminal, or be back in bed before Mrs. Hudson wakes up, and I know which I'd prefer."

The pair set off through the school under the inky blanket of night, and after fives minutes of walking John realised he had no idea where Sherlock was taking them. They'd travelled well past the dormitories and where now walking through the winding series of classrooms.
"Psst. Sherlock. Where are we going?"
"But Sherlock-"
"Shhhhhhhh. I'm following my suspicion. Ask no more questions."
John scowled at him some more. Here he was, in the dead of night, breaking every rule in the student handbook, with a boy who wouldn't share even the slightest information about what they were actually doing. Stupid, lanky prat, he thought to himself, but despite his better conscience he continued trudging after Sherlock..

They finally came to a halt at the outskirts of the school, a few metres back from a banged up tin door with a thin black label on it. John squinted to try and make it out in the darkness. "Maintenance ..." he murmured. "You think it was the clean-"
"Shhhhh," hushed Sherlock, "Someone's coming."
John went quiet and strained his ears. Sure enough, soft footsteps could be heard and a sturdy figure silhouetted against the night sky appeared.
The figure shuffled over to the door and John and Sherlock shrank back around the corner to avoid being seen. The man, for that's what he plainly was, glanced nervously over his shoulder before shoving the key in the lock and disappearing inside the maintenance basement.

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