Horror Story

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Me and my friends are at my friend Derek's house. I think Derek is pretty cool. His dad is there sometimes. I refer to him As Mr.Smith. So we have just Arrived. My brother runs to the porch. I stay back to open my seat belt no hurry. I notice the front windows curtains open. I see Derek's dad There. Derek Told me his dad would not be home. That is fine i say. I walk to the front door. Seemingly the door was already open. All the lights were off. I yell Mr.Smith. I turn on the lights and See Mr.Smith walking down the staircase with a hammer. We see Derek In his room tied to a chair basically yelling. So my brother untied Derek I grabbed a kitchen knife. I saw Derek's dad. Derek told me his dad killed his brother and mom. I charged at his dad stabbing him a couple times. I was mad that Mr.Smith did that. We called The police and drove away. Derek told us his dad got mad at his mom. We never saw Mr.smith again.

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