Spicy meatball

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I wake up to sound of my alarm cock
Tim fur Skool
Shit. I hate getting up at 5:57 am for skool
Lik I need me sleep people!
I gets up and put on mi fav outfit
It's supa smexy
All the kings horses and all the kings men will lov dis outfit
It's a Pepe tank top wit pepperoni leggings, camp crocs and a neon zebra print fedora
DOMT fuk wit me boiiii! I looks so good I mus admit
I walk down le stairs and hed to kitchen
I wood usually see me parents but the abandoned me cuz they say I was mistake
I live alone in a noice big house with my 3 pet sheeps: Casserole, Antonio, And squeezi
They is very nice sheeps
I grab sum pop tarts and eat the while heading out to my car
It is also very noice
I don't know what kind of car it iz but it's shiny new and green, I bought it off of the black market
I get in car.
I turn on my favorite playlist, The Italian spicy meatball playlist. I made it for my ex boyfriend Sal. He chose the mafia over me
It is a 2 hr ride to le school
The skool is called : Northern Memés High School. It's French.

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