Noisy boiis

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I get to le Skool
It is big
It is as almost as big as Trumps wall
I park car and get me stuff out of back seat
I walk to front doors and people are staring
I hear dem whisper "it's that new hot chic"
"Zoo wee mama"
I am flattered, never felt to shy b4
As I opened the doors a load noice white van come thrusting into the parking lot
I watch the phyco car park next to mine! Oh hell to le no!
I noituces the van said "loaded diper" on the side of it
Nasty hoes
I was about to enter ze skewl but the noisy boiis starting chanting "fuk yeah! 1st day as seniors!"
I look back at the boiis
Hory Sheet!
One of the noisy boiis is so smexy!
I want to fook him so bad!
He is the emu boi of my dreams!
His black hair was all messy and his tall lean body to die for!
This is going to be a interesting year

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