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"Jack...how do i do tha-"

"Be here tonight at 2:00 a.m"

"Okay,I will"

He left.

What the hell am i doing.I don't know where i'm going with this whole "win me over" thing.

I know Mark will follow.If he really loves me as much as he says he loves me.

But now is not the time for thinking.

Now is the time for being a stripper.

...I should write a book.

I walk out into the main part of the club and see Ethan and Tyler walking in.

"How are my best trolls" I yell at them considering the distance between us.

"Hey Jack!" Ethan practically screams.



"Guys,we aren't that far apart there's no need to scream." Tyler laughs.

"Whatever becky." Ethan and I retort at practically the same time.

"I'm gonna set up the bar,you two get dressed." I demanded despite not being the boss of them.

They nodded and headed back to the lockers with clothes in them,then they were off to the bathroom.

As I was putting up some bottles of liquor I could've sworn I heard a moan.

Then another.

I also heard the words "Daddy" "Baby" "Slut" and "Quite"

Well either casper the fucking friendly ghost came back for round two or

Ethan and Tyler are doing much more than changing.

After what felt like an eternity I saw the two trolls walk out.

Ethan red as a tomato and Tyler cool as a fucking toad.

"Well hi there,long time no see." I teased

They kept walking towards some part of the club.

"Well i'm going to change considering you guys have turned into mimes."

They both made some noise that I associated with agreeing with what I said.

"Oh and Ethan there is cum in your hair and Tyler your shirt is inside out."

They both turned to look at me as Ethan began brushing a hand through his hair while Tyler looked very uncomfortable.

I walking away laughing...and whistling.

They were the fuck buddies of the club.I ship it.One blue boy and a big boy with very large arms to me seems like a good pair of trolls.

I change into today's theme which is pirates.

Leather black shorts and red flannel.

Not to forget mandatory panties.

It been a while since i've worn boxers comfortably,when you wear panties for so long you grow accustom to the tight fit.

After I officially get dressed I sigh..

because I know that the day has begun and i'm going to have to wait until 2 a.m for Mark.

But i have plans,

plans that have to do with a little bit of teasing.

here bois

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