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Things can end quickly.

A movie.

A party.

Even a life.

But what people don't realize is that other people can drive a life to is abrupt end.

Science proves that we need human contact to stay healthy.

You can't cut yourself off form the world.

Especially when a traumatic event just occurred.

People also don't realize that even the little things like forgetting to say goodnight to someone or saying that you can't make it to an event.

That can push someone over the edge too.

Many think that these people are over dramatic but really they've had so much hurt in them that they only have very little left.

Kind of like a sand castle near a beach.

Right by the ocean waves.

When the water rises, it reduces the sand castle to a smaller version of itself but it still stands.

But when the night falls
and the tides come in.

The castle is reduced to absolutely nothing but grains of sand floating away with the waters.


The moon is shining bright.

Just like the white fluorescent lights of a hospital waiting room.

Ethan, Tyler, Dan, Signe and Mark are all sitting in the chairs.

"I don't know why you're here, you are the reason he is here anyways." nearly yelled Ethan.

I think Ethan took it the hardest. When Ethan applied for the job Jack helped him be comfortable in his own skill and became is friend. Jack didn't make fun of Ethan and his love for gymnastics. Jack thought is was really cool to see a guy do a double back handspring. Jack was like a big brother and was the reason Ethan dyed his hair bright blue.

"I'm only here because I care about his health, but he cheated on me, I don't know why you are defending him."

"You really don't know do you. Is your head that far up your own ass? Jack was raped by that fucking monster and you told him he was just a stripper. News flash everyone surrounding you is. Do you think we are just useless objects? Jack is way much more than a stripper. He is an amazing person and I would hate for him to date someone who can't see that." Ethan practically screamed.

Mark was silent.

Mark knew he had fucked up royally.

"I-I I didn't know, Im so sorry. All of you guys." Mark sighed apologetically.

"I don't know why you're apologizing to us, Jack is in a hospital bed on the verge of a comatose state." Dan said sourly.

"All of you, stop. Can we just be here for Jack. He didn't deserve this so can we all just hope that he stays healthy and awake." Singe argued trying to end the bickering.

After 20 more long minutes, the doctor comes out of Jacks room.

"You guys are welcome to come in but he may not be up for questions."

We all walked in and sat down.

It was silent.

Deadly silent.

Ethan was the first to speak,

"Jack, are you awake?"

It was again, silent.

"Jack?" Ethan said with more urgency.

The heart monitor next to him was beeping at a normal speed so Jack was still alive.

"Jack!" Ethan yelled as he grabbed the hands of the silent man.

"I'm sorry, all of you." said a small voice.

"I'm sorry I'm still alive."

The silence was broken despite there being no noise.

Jack is alive.

I'm sorry for not updating I've just been, going through something.
Next chapter will be over 1000 words so this one is just a filler.
Thank you

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