Prologue: 2019, May 15, 3:20 A.M.

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I feel the midnight wind hit my face as I jog with determination towards Father after hearing him yell for me in the field. I feel the wheat tickle my legs as I run by them. I feel my adrenaline pump through me as I race towards his direction. I enter the field but continue on. The corn casts shadows across the ground of the already combined ground. After running so fast I almost fall after having to stop at such an abrupt end of an edge. I can't believe what I see. There's a huge crater-like hole at least 35 by 45 yards wide. I see father and mother standing next to the edge of the crater. I walk towards Father.

"What is it, Papa?" I ask.

"I don't know, Julie," Father responds, But it isn't good. As soon as he says this, I turn back and look at the crater. I can't tell what's in the middle, but it doesn't look alien or like any kind of monster. There isn't much steam or smoke coming from whatever it is that crashed here, but the ground is scorched and blackish brown. My Father takes out his ancient flip phone and dials the police. I watch the wispy clouds of smoke coming off of the thing in the center of the crater. The area is hotter than normal from the asteroid-like thing. I need to photograph this. As I jog back to the barn we have right next to the house, I notice there's a line of corn and wheat that is pushed down to the grown. Pushed flat. As I run further around this circle I notice they intersect with other lines of broken and flattened corn. All of a sudden I realize what this might be and feel excitement rise in me. I tell Father that I'm running up to my room in the house. I bust through the front door and race into the house. I run up the stairs, down the hall, and into my room. I look out the window into the field. The sun is just barely peeking up from the horizon. We've been up for a while. I turn around and look for a camera on my iPhone or any camera in the room. I find my camera which I got as a present and snap a picture. I look at the picture to make sure I'm not going crazy.

I run out of the room and down the hall and stairs, out the door and straight into Father. I show him the picture and his jaw drops. The crater is almost directly in the middle of the field. A flower of sorts or some sort of symbol is printed into the field around the crater. I walk backwards up the front steps to our porch. As I look at the symbol around the crater I notice it looks like a planet. A planet that's rich, fresh and harmonized. A planet of another world. 

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