Chapter 1:

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2019, May 15, 8:15 P.M.

Last night, a strange object plowed into the field of unsuspecting farmers in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, and a strangely shaped symbol of sorts made out of flattened wheat and growth, like a crop circle is around the extraterrestrial object. We are unsure what this object is, but it is highly possible it is an asteroid that did not vaporize when entering the atmosphere. We have secured the area and are investigating right now. The family says they remember hearing a "rumble like thunder echoing across the clouds" and as that noise grew louder they noticed a "bright object falling from the sky". They said they had seen it and "ran to their basement until they knew they were safe". They then "ran to the scene" and called the police. Thankfully, this has not happened to anyone else. This is Chr. . .

I turn off the TV and look out the window. It's getting dark out. I should probably get ready for bed because it is a school day tomorrow. I look out the window again and see row upon row of wheat surrounding the fence around our house. I wonder if there's an asteroid coming from the sky, heading towards me. I wonder if Mom will make it from the grocery store without an extra bag filled with food never intended to enter the house. I wonder if anyone is out there, waiting to receive communication from someone other than themselves. Waiting to hear from any other civilization to know that they're not alone. I wonder.

I walk to Mrs. Walker's room and take a seat at my desk. I finally remembered to bring all of my books to class, so I won't be reminded by Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker is tall and thin with a tan face, a smile, and knit eyebrows as she looks at my pile of books beside me on the floor.

"What is this?" she jokes. "Is this real or am I dreaming? You've remembered all of your books, congratulations Mr. Rand." The rest of the class silently laughs. Well, kind of silently. I smile and nod. She walks away and points at the page number on the whiteboard at the front of the room.

"Alright," she says, "Everyone open your books to page 63." I open my book with the class and try to stay focused.

"I would like everyone to read to paragraph three."

I start and finish reading before everyone else. As I wait for everyone else to finish, I take out the plans to a machine I'm trying to build. I start working on equations for the project until Mrs. Walker catches me and motions for me to put it away. After class, during lunch, I head to the restroom.                                                                                                                                                                                       As I finish up and wash my hands, I look into the mirror and see my reflection. Blue eyes, brownish blonde hair that's not long but not short, broad shoulders, a wide grin and black rectangle glasses.                                                                                                                                                                  I'm wearing an old, worn Star Wars t-shirt that says "The nerdiness is strong with this one." I head out the door and back to lunch. I am probably the nerdiest person alive.

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