Chapter 1

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The elevator dinged quickly, signaling it was making a stop before I was getting off. I moved over, making way for whoever was getting on. I smiled lightly as four boys walked on, their conversation dying out as they stepped into the metal box. They started whispering, their words muffled as they covered their mouths with their hands. I looked around, catching the eyes of the tall, blonde boy, making me quickly avert my eyes and look at the ground. My phone went off in the silent elevator, making everyone jump at the sudden, loud noise.

"Sorry." I quietly apologized, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Can I ask you a question?" One of the boys asked, making me look up from my phone to see a guy with dyed, bright red hair looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Okay, shoot." I said, putting my phone away and giving him my full attention.

"I know you from some where but I cannot put my finger on it. Where do I know you?" He asked, trying to figure the answer out.

"I'm an actress, maybe you've seen my movies." I said, trying to help him out. I knew I looked different, I had no makeup on, I was wearing my glasses, and I was not dressed up, I can imagine why he was struggling to place me.

"Oh my God." One of the other boys said, the tan, brunette one.

"You're Skyler Rhodes." The bright red haired one said, cutting off the other one. I nodded gently, smiling at the four boys who seemed ecstatic to be in the elevator with me.

"Well, I'm Michael, that's Luke, Calum and Ashton and we are in a band called 5 Seconds of Summer." He introduced himself, making me recognize the band.

"Oh! I've heard your music. You guys are great." I said, smiling at them. They all thanked me, except for one. The tall blonde who was staring at me earlier stayed silent, leaning against the wall of the elevator nonchalantly.

"Are you going to the party on 5th street?" One of the boys asked.

"No, I don't believe so. I don't think my attire would grant me entrance into any party currently." I said, laughing lightly as I looked down at my ratty, old high school track sweatshirt and Nike shorts and tennis shoes I was wearing.

"Oh please, you're Skyler Rhodes, you'd get in no matter what." The tan boy said, making me laugh.

"Regardless, tonight is a relaxing night for me before I have hours and hours of press meetings before red carpet events tomorrow. I'm going to get ice cream and come back and watch a movie." I said, explaining the details of my night.

"That sounds better than a party." The tall blonde said, finally speaking up. When I finally got to see a good look of his face, I immediately recognized the boy. I gasped as the realization hit and the memories came flooding back. We met at a party in Los Angeles a few months ago and things got heated. He left before I woke up in the morning.

"Luke?" I asked, not believing the circumstances. Every other boy turned to look at him, wondering what was happening.

"Skyler, it's good to see you again." He said, standing up strait and walking closer to me. His height was intimidating to me considering he was nearly a foot taller than me.

"Same to you, long time no see." I said, looking down at the sleeve of my sweatshirt.

"May I join you tonight?" He asked, crossing his arms as I looked up to make sure he was serious.

"You can if you would like. But I'm picking the movie." I said, making him smile and in return I smiled back.

"It's a deal." He said, looking down at me. The elevator doors opened, signaling we could finally get off. As we walked out of the hotel doors, three of the boys went one way while Luke and I went another.

"So, how have you been?" Luke asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I've been doing pretty well, cannot complain. I have a movie coming out very soon and I'm excited for that. It's been a long time coming and a lot of hard work but it'll all be worth it. I helped write, direct as well as starred in it so needless to say I've been busy the past year or two." I said, smiling at my accomplishments but trying not to brag.

"That's awesome. I've told everyone since the day I saw the trailer that it would be the best movie of the year. I knew it." He said, smiling down at me.

"I wouldn't go that far but it is my favorite movie I've done. Not only because I played a part in so many other sections of production but the story is just spectacular." I said, smiling at him.

"I can't wait to see it." He said, looking ahead again. When we reached the store he opened the door for me, allowing me to go in. I headed strait for the ice cream, picking up a carton of the classic vanilla.

"That's your ice cream of choice?" He asked.

"Well yeah." I said, hugging it into my arms. He laughed before picking up a carton of cookies and cream, another classic.

"That's your ice cream of choice?" I asked, mocking him. He shook his head and laughed causing me to laugh with him.

"Let's get out of here." He said, going to the check out lines. He paid for it all, without my approval. After a few minutes of arguing about me paying him back I gave up, secretly stuffing three dollars in his pocket when he wasn't paying attention. We reached the hotel, going towards the elevator once again. We got in and I clicked the button going all the way up to the top floor of the 15 story building.

"I didn't know you wore glasses." He said after a few moments of silence.

"I don't like how I look in them so I always wear contacts. Although tonight I didn't feel like putting in contacts just to go grab ice cream so I threw these on." I explained, looking down and trying to hide my face since glasses has been something I've been insecure about my whole life.

"I think you look wonderful with or without glasses." He said quietly, looking at the mirrored doors of the elevator.

"Thank you." I said and smiled, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye and I knew he saw my red cheeks. He moved closer to me, leaning against the wall right beside me, our arms touching. When we finally reached my floor I was ecstatic to get out of the moving box since I have always been afraid of elevators. We walked down the hall, finally reaching my suite after what felt like a forever walk. I turned the lights on, walking in and sitting the bag of ice cream down on the counter.

"Go pick a movie and I'll get the ice cream ready." He said, taking the cartons out of the bag.

"It's okay, I can help." I said, trying to grab one of the ice cream cartons but my hand accidentally landed on his. This created a feeling I had never experienced, almost as if an electric spark had shot up through my hand. We both stopped moving, breathing or talking just to look at our hands.

"Uh, I got it. Go pick a movie and make it a good one." He said, breaking the silence and moving his hand away from mine. I nodded my head before walking into the separate room where the bed and tv were located. I sat on the edge of the king size bed, finding the remote and turning the tv on. I clicked on Netflix, hoping to find a movie to please both Luke and I. I finally settled on The Breakfast Club, one of my all time favorites. Just as I decided Luke walked in with two bowls of ice cream, one for him and one for me. I thanked him as he handed me mine and stood up to turn the lights off, leaving the room only illuminated by the large TV.

"What are we watching?" Luke asked as he kicked off his shoes.

"The Breakfast Club." I answered, pulling back the sheets and scooting over to the other side of the bed, allowing him to sit beside me.

"Good one." He said as he sat down, pulling the covers over both of our bottom halves. After we finished the ice cream we sat the bowls on the nightstand beside the bed, allowing us to lay down completely. I shivered slightly from the cold of the ice cream as well as the room.

"Cold?" Luke asked, making me nod my head. He threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, my head resting on his chest while my bare legs rested against his clothed legs. We finished the rest of the movie before starting another, staying in the same position the whole time. Little did I know I would fall asleep in the same bed as Luke Hemmings once again, but this time he would be there when I woke up.

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