Chapter 3

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The movie premiere was over and I was currently riding back to the hotel in the same black Escalade I was in earlier. It was a silent ride and I spent the majority looking out the window, watching the small water droplets hit the window, signaling it was starting to rain. When we reached the hotel I ran in as fast as I could in heels, hoping to avoid ruining my dress. I quickly hopped in the elevator, wanting to get to my suite as fast as possible. I leaned against the wall and relived the day. I received the same questions I always get in every press conference and every time I stopped for questions on the red carpet. The movie, although I might be a bit biased, was phenomenal in my opinion. I am so proud of it and I cannot wait for people to see it everywhere. The elevator dinged, opening its doors and allowing me to step out onto my floor. I walked to my suite, opening the door and shortly closing it after I was in. I quickly stripped of the beautiful yet uncomfortable dress and threw on a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts. I hung the dress up in the closet, wanting to keep it safe. I made my way to my bed, crawling in and under the covers. I turned the tv on, immediately going to E! News to see what they had to say about the movie premiere. I was bad for that, I know I shouldn't but I have always cared what news stations and tabloids have said about me and my creations. There was a quiet knock on the door, making me groan as I got out of bed and going to answer it.

"Hey." A smiling Luke said, now wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans, accompanied by black boots.

"Hi." I said, smiling back at him.

"Do you want to grab some dinner?" He asked, leaning his arm against the door.

"Depends. Do I have to change?" I asked, laughing a little.

"Absolutely not." He said, smiling big.

"Then let's go." I said, grabbing my phone from the counter, sliding on some Birkenstocks and closing the door behind me.

"I completely didn't expect you to answer the door. I thought you would be at after parties or something." He said, looking down at me with a big smile.

"Parties aren't really my thing." I said while smiling back.

"That's funny considering I first met you at a party." He said but I could tell he didn't mean to say it out loud. His body tensed and he looked ahead of him, averting his eyes from mine.

"Yeah, well I've changed." I said, crossing my arms. I remember the night well considering I didn't drink at all. I became infatuated with him quickly, his bright blue eyes and tall figure enchanted me enough to get me in the bed with him that same night. When I woke up he was no where to be found and I had no way to contact him either, convincing me that he wanted nothing more than sex with a movie star.

"Me too," He said quietly, looking at me again. This time it was me who averted their eyes, I looked down at the floor beneath me, taking in the awkward moment we had created. "I really have, Skyler. I'm not like that anymore, I won't leave you again." He said as if we were going to have sex again, as if I would have to worry about him leaving me.

"I believe you." I said, not knowing what to say and still not looking him in the eye. We walked into the elevator and he pressed the lobby button, my eyes found interest in the black and white checkered floor of the elevator. I felt him walk over to me, his boots coming into vision.

"I'm going to do something stupid. Stop me if you want." He said, putting his finger underneath my chin and lifting my face up to where I was looking at him. I was confused, not knowing what he was about to do. My confusion was quickly cleared as his lips landed on mine softly. I quickly kissed back once the shock subsided, I felt his hands land on my hips. The same shock I had felt earlier was evident again, however this time it was all over my body. It was that cliche moment in movies and books where they say they felt sparks fly when they kissed however this was real. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss as his tongue licked my lips, pleading for access. I quickly allowed, backing myself up against the elevator wall and he followed, taking one of his arms off of my hips and resting his hand on the wall beside my head. He pulled away from me to breath, resting his forehead against mine.

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