Chapter 2

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"Skyler! Wake up. We have to get you down to hair and makeup in the next two minutes! Let's go." My manager yelled as he banged his fist against the hotel door. The pillow underneath me moved, making my eyes open wide to see that I was indeed not laying on a pillow but rather a person. I looked up to see Luke rubbing his face with both his hands, sighing at the continuous loud noise of my manager at the door.

"I have to go." I said, not wanting to get up.

"So I hear." Luke said, resting his arm gently around my shoulder.

"Thanks for joining me last night, Luke. It was fun." I said before sitting up, stretching widely before getting off the bed.

"I'm coming!" I yelled at my manager to get him to stop screaming through the door.

"Thanks for letting me join you." Luke said, sitting up in bed. I grabbed my phone and a bottle of water before going to the door.

"Feel free to leave whenever, but I have to go. Bye!" I said before opening the door, meeting my manager in the hallway.

"We're running late. Hair and makeup has to work extra fast for us to be on schedule. We can push press conferences back but we can't push a red carpet event back. E! News is broadcasting it live so if we end up pushing the press conferences back we'll have to cancel one or make them all shorter than expected." He said, occasionally looking down at his fancy watch resting on his wrist as if every second that passed was the end all be all.

"Okay." I simply said, stepping into the elevator and going to the floor below mine where the hair and makeup people were set up in a suite.

"I hope they work fast." He said, sighing and looking at his watch again.

"Not too fast, I want to look good." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"We might as well just go ahead and cancel the first press conference don't you think?" He asked.

"No, we can tell them that it'll be shorter than promised but I'm not cancelling it." I said, walking out of the elevator and going to the room where the hair and makeup team was stationed. My manager opened the door with his key and I walked in, sitting in the usual chair and they started getting me ready immediately.

"We'll hurry, Mark." My makeup artist, Lilly, said after he sighed for the third time, winking at me. I smiled at her as she put moisturizer on my face, prepping it for the pounds of makeup I was getting ready to wear. My hair was pinned into sections as my hair dresser started immediately, using a curling wand to give my naturally strait hair beachy-waves.

"Make sure this lasts, we won't have time to change the look after the third press conference like planned." My manager said, looking at his phone.

"Will do, Mark." Lilly said, rolling her eyes as she was tired of hearing him complain, as was I. My team got me ready in record time, throwing me the clothes I was wearing for the first press conference. My manager had left some time ago to warn that we were cutting the conference down to 15 minutes and was determined we would have to do it for all three. I had finished getting dressed, getting ready the two outfits for my other press conferences when he walked in the door.

"Great! You look beautiful, now let's go." He said, opening the door and standing beside it. I grabbed the two outfits, bringing it with me so I could just change in the bathroom in between conferences.

"Alright." I said, walking towards my manager and out the door.

"If this one stays in the 15 minutes I think we can make all." He said as we walked into the elevator.

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