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This is a prologue, It is a optional read, but encouraged. I would love a review of this chapter, but In the book club that I am in, it is only required that you read 2 chapters, soo Please just do me a favor and review an actual chapter instead of this prologue. Of course if you feel like reviewing this prologue and 2 of my chapters be my guest, but if not just review the chapters please and thank you! I want to be critiqued on those the most!

 Of course if you feel like reviewing this prologue and 2 of my chapters be my guest, but if not just review the chapters please and thank you! I want to be critiqued on those the most!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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"If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind."

Unknown pov

"Oh baby, I'll only be a day or two," I told her, "I'll be fine, don't you worry!"

I laughed after the third kiss she planted on my lips.

She shook her head at me and smiled slightly, as she always did when she realized she couldn't control me.
"Fine, but when you come back, I'll have a nice hot bath for you, and I'll make those little biscuits you love so much." She grabbed me by my collar, giving me one more kiss.

"That sounds fantastic!" I said, "I love you, my sweet girl."
I smiled at her, pulling my coat to my body as she waved goodbye to me.

"I love you!" She yelled over and over as I got farther away.

Every night before I fall asleep, that's the only thing I see. Her, standing in the doorway of our cottage with her dark green shawl wrapped around her shoulders. Her straight hair, wild on top of her head as she smiled widely.

I dream of her beautiful crooked smile that melted me and turned me into putty in her hands, and her soft little voice that made me want to protect her, even though it was I who probably needed protection more than her.

If only I had just listened and stayed home with her, maybe then this wouldn't have happened, and she'd still be alive.

I grow angry as I toss and turn in my bed. My eyes are probably bloodshot red from the lack of sleep I've been getting, I am restless.

It's taking everything in me to fight back the urge to let my wrath take over my mind and body.

Those evil, vile, disgusting men took away something from me that was irreplaceable. Her and I had something so special and secret, only very few people could understand.

I want them all dead: them, their children, and their children's children. 


Love is a powerful emotion, more powerful than any magic ever to be conjured up. It's a scary thing, capable of manipulating and controlling even the most purest of minds, shredding us of our innocence, and turning us into lovesick beasts.

Love is one of the strongest of bonds you can have to a soul, it has the power to bring down even the greatest and strongest of people and turn them into nothing. No matter what your love looks like, it's still the same. Though it is a beautiful emotion, and creates more life than lust ever could, love has a way of showing its ugly backside and then well, you'd better pray to your God to save you from its wrath.

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