Strange Fellow

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"Don't be scared to be afraid, being afraid means you are about to do something very, very brave

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"Don't be scared to be afraid, being afraid means you are about to do something very, very brave."

I am awakened by the cold, crisp night air as it flies across my skin. I flutter my eyes open, and I see nothing but open sky. Below me, there is only darkness, as though I am flying above the clouds.

There is a constant beating noise, cracking through the air. It's similar to the sounds a sheet would make as you shook it clean.

I suddenly realize I am being held by something leathery. I try to move, but to no avail, the grip only seems to get tighter.
I try to look up at my captor, but all I see is white. I feel a scream bubbling in the back of my throat; if I wasn't so scared, it would have exploded from my mouth. My stomach begins to drop as I feel my body start to go downwards, and a dark forest soon comes in to view.

I really am flying.

I start to panic as the wind flies faster across my skin and I start falling lower.

Behind two big trees is a tall metal gate, and beyond that, I see a giant house, one that seems even bigger than the royal castle. The entrance has a giant drawbridge, one that can fit even two dragons.

When the ground begins to grow dangerously close, I am released from the grip of this creature.
I land with a thud near the moat of the house, the impact knocks the wind out of me. When I can finally catch my breath, I sit up, looking up at the house. It's gray, and made of thick stone. I can see a couple towers peeking up from the roof, and some of the windows have lights in them.

I hear a noise behind me, and I turn around, almost shrieking when I do. An enormous dragon is standing here. Its scales are pure white, except fo the insides of its wings, which are a deep red. Its talons are razor-sharp, and its fangs are huge, and sparkled in the moonlight as they peeked out from its mouth. But what really draws my attention are the enormous green eyes.

"Admiring the view?"

I gasp at the familiar woman's voice that protruded from the beast.

"Come now, Bobii," the dragon says, "The night grows cold."

"How do you... Who are you?" I demand through my fear. I am not going to let this thing know I am afraid.

She moves past me, her long tail swaying, swift and graceful despite her stature. The drawbridge lowers as she moves, and I briefly wonder if there are other people inside.

"All will be revealed in due time," the dragon-woman calls, "In the meantime, come inside, girl."

"Why should I trust you?" I say, staying where I am.

"For one," she replies, "you've nowhere else to go; we are in the middle of the Enchanted Forest. For two, well... do you really want to upset me?" She smiles, her fangs flashing in the weak light emitting from the house.

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