The Dance

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"People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life

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"People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life."
Arcadia is a beautiful and vast rich country that is thick of tales. We have so many that even we don't know which one is fiction or non. Of course, out of all the beautiful provinces I could live in, it has to be the most boring and ignorant one ever. Here in Ruth we have beautiful land for farming, so hunger isn't a big thing, but when it rains all it is good for is mud. I'm surrounded by those in the lower and middle classes. Life is simple and sweet, but I'm not meant to be a farmer's wife.

It's been months since I was last excited for something. Lately, it seems that my days are all mashing together from repeating the same old schedule for weeks.
The only things I look forward to are Late night reading, and Fridays when my next door neighbor Gus, brings over beef from his meat shop. He fancies my mother, and is always sure to give kind gestures whenever he gets the chance.

"Bobii, hurry and get washed or you'll be late again," mother calls from outside of my door.

What she doesn't know is, I had already gotten up an hour before. I am currently sitting at my old vanity, staring at my sad attempt at taming my hair. It sits in a tangled brown mess upon my head. With a sigh of defeat I pull myself away from the tired reflection. I wish I could be like the women in the books I read, whose hair and face are perfect and their beauty leaks through the pages in every chapter.

"Coming," I finally call back, hurriedly sliding into my tattered old work shoes and jogging to the kitchen.

"You look nice, looking to impress Lionel?" Mother teases.

Lionel is a young man known for his looks and wealth.
He's a prince, son to the most wonderful man ever: King Robert. Lionel however, didn't follow in his father's foot steps. Unlike his father, he is dense, and shallow. All he ever cares about is women, racing, and money. Although he can have any woman he desires, he chases after me like a love sick child.
Lionel is nothing like the fine princes you read about from faraway kingdoms. To me, he is as charming as the backside of an Ass.

"Mother, don't jest, Lionel is an imbecile. Even I could do better." I laugh.

She nods her head in agreement.
"You'd better run girl," Mother calls, "You wouldn't want a dragon to come and get you while you're out."

I scoff, saying, "I think I can handle a wee dragon."

Dragons aren't a peculiar thing to come by in my world. They are giant merciless beasts that come in all colors of the rainbow. Though they hardly attack small villages, should someone anger them... well, it is difficult to say what will happen as a result. The topic of dragons is as dangerous as the beasts themselves. Especially one dragon in particular: Cedilia.

She is an ancient dragon.

As the tale goes, she is able to turn herself into a beautiful young woman, she lures men into her lair with her good looks, where she devours them in their weakest moments. Don't ask me what she looks like, because nobody knows for sure. No one has lived to tell. Those who have, go insane with paranoia from their near death experiences with her.

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